She Cut Off His Penis - cue the laugh track

There is an article in Oddly Enough news on Yahoo! today about a Vietnamese woman who got mad at her boyfriend and cut off his penis. He was trying to break up with her and she didn't intend to let him. So she cut off his penis and flushed it down the toilet.

Every time these sexual mutilations of men occur they always post it in Oddly Enough as if it were nothing but a joke. And on the message boards that accompany the story are men commenting about the fact that 1) it isn't a joke and seems awfully sexist that it is always treated as one, 2) the woman wasn't charged with the actual crime she committed (sexual assault vs domestic violence), 3) she'll go free no matter what, 4) women view crimes against males as nothing, but then complain that men don't care enough about crimes against females, and finally 5) the justice system is blatantly biased against males.

I don't know how to comment on this anymore. I've seen it happen so many times now and it does seem to be true that nothing is ever done to the female assailant. She might as well dance nude on the steps of the courthouse and take a giant shit there because they aren't going to do one damned thing to her. But anyway, I'll try to express what I think because this just happens more and more often now and I suppose it is worth talking about, especially since no one in authority is going to do anything about it. Might as well send it to the blogs.

1) It isn't a joke. It seems to me that teaching boys that sexual violence directed at them is not wrong leads to the view that sexual violence in general is not wrong. Every little kid understands that if something is OK for one person, then it is OK for another. In other words, if it is OK for you to hurt me down there then why can't I hurt you there, too? That is only fair. Clearly our courts don't view it that way. But that is because of politics. Gangsta Rap would seem to indicate that the kid's understanding is increasingly the norm among the people on the street though. And it isn't going to lead to peace and harmony, just more blood.

Violence against women has never made up more then 25% of all violent crime in any Western nation, and yet we have devoted $10 billion per year to creating a giant government beauracracy whose only purpose is to deal with an alleged "epidemic of violence against women." If 25% is an epidemic, then what is the other 75%? From the actions of the courts and our government, the other 75% is apparently nothing because the victims are all the 'wrong gender.'

Furthermore, each and every claim made to Congress in securing the $10 billion was already known to be false. Following the passage of the funding increase, even more independent research was done which found, once again, that the claims are wildly false. There is not 1 woman beaten by a husband or boyfriend every 12 seconds - this is false. Rule of thumb did not come from an English law permitting men to beat their wives - there was never any such law. Women's visits to emergency rooms are not mostly related to domestic violence - they are mostly related to car accidents, just like everyone else. It goes on and on, until every single "under oath" sworn before Congress claim is shown to be a lie.

There are countless websites and books disproving all of the religious fables regarding the "epidemic of violence against women" and many of them are written by women who are sick of the manipulations and scare tactics being used by the female supremacists and lesbian separatists in an effort to recruit more women into their religion of fear and hate. So I'm not going to go into that any further.

2) The woman sexually assaulted the man. Her crime was sexual, not domestic violence as the charge says. They even had sex just before she did it. But whenever anyone sexually assaults a male it seems to take an act of God for them to actually be charged with a sexual crime. If a man so much as sticks a finger into a woman's vagina he is charged with rape in most states. Let him touch her breast, even through clothing, and it is sexual assault. But if a woman grabs a man by the balls and crushes them until he passes out and dies, which occurred just last year, she is not charged with anything sexual and is not considered to be a sex offender. If you read the definition of sexual assault you'll see that she should be. But if you study politics and consider how much of the $10 billion given to radical female supremacists is being used to fund a political machine then you might begin to understand how such extreme injustice could come about.

3) She'll go free no matter what. She probably will, but since this crime has become so common women have actually been sentenced to a month or two in recent cases. The longest sentence I have seen so far was 72 days for a woman who ripped a man's testicles off with her bare hand because she was mad. And no, she wasn't charged with a sex crime. She was charged with some minor crime that had nothing to do with what she actually did. And she was sentenced to 72 days. How much of that time she actually served I do not know. I'm sure she got out early.

4) Women view crimes against males as nothing. Generally I find that there are a large number of women who think sex crimes against males are a joke, even sexual mutilations and murders. But there are a lot of men who seem to hold this view as well. I'd say these men are short-sighted and stupid, but when I say this to their faces they never seem to comprehend what I'm telling them. They just assume it could never happen to them, and that if it did somehow the courts would change overnight and the assailant would actually be punished. Dream on.

And for every few women I know who think sex crimes against males is a big joke I find at least one woman who doesn't think that way at all. If not for the wealth and political influence of the feminists and the compliance of the stupid men who don't think it could happen to them things could change.

And if Disney would stop promoting it to kids, that might help, too.

5) The justice system is blatantly biased against males. I think this is absolutely true. The feminists and the socialists who run most of our law schools are a large part of the reason for it. But again, all those men who let it go and then laugh when other men get railroaded don't help anything. Even worse are the men who have been through it themselves and then STILL refuse to do anything about it because they figure it probably won't happen to them again. This kind of thinking is so stupid as to be unworthy of sympathy.

And then there are the conservative men who think that they are somehow doing God's work by discriminating against other males and always siding with the female even when it is clearly and undeniably unjust. They tend to be losers who couldn't get laid in a whore house, but somehow get elected to high office. These are the guys who would get kicked in the groin in school by some girl who just felt like doing it for the hell of it, and then these wimps would apologize to the girl as if they somehow deserved it and just couldn't remember why. These men should all be shot.

But with all of this said, I find I am reaching a point of numbness. I don't laugh about it because it isn't ever funny, but I don't get particularly upset anymore. I don't spend much time commenting to anyone about it, and worst of all I don't believe it will ever get better. I do try to put my money where my mouth is and contribute to groups who are fighting to right the various wrongs, but beyond that I'm getting so used to it that I hardly react anymore, much like the Romans watching Christians being killed by lions. I know this isn't a good thing, but it's how I'm feeling nonetheless.

No necessary changes ever take place because people have grown numb. No one rises up and fights out of numbness. But numb is what I am. I have never seen things get better. I have only seen them get worse. And it doesn't matter if it is Bill Clinton or George Bush in the White House because they both give in to it and fund it to the hilt. Republicans and Democrats, no matter how they claim to feel about it, end up with the same results when they both agree to take all our tax dollars and give them to hate groups that promote this kind of man-hating bigotry. And they both do.

Feminists have taken Valentine's Day and changed it into Violence Day. They have taken a day of love and turned it into a religious celebration of their hatred, and this new version of Valentine's Day is recognized at colleges and universities all across America. You haven't heard about it? You will, I guarantee.

I wonder if anyone will do anything about it?
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