My attractive female coworker who looks like a comic book cover because her proportions are straight out of the fantasy of a teenage boy attracts more attention than she really wants every now and then.
Yes, I swear it's true. There are times when a woman attracts attention from the rest of the world and she doesn't want to. Apparently this weekend was one of those times.
She was driving along in her truck when she noticed some guy following her. Actually he wasn't so much following her as chasing frantically after her. Apparently he had seen her as she was getting into her truck or something and he said to himself, "Holy mother of God, WHO is THAT?!!!!"
This is another way of saying, 'SCHWIIIIING!'
He decided that he would most likely never see this vision in a pickup truck again and thus must take drastic and immediate action. There was no time for playing it cool. There was no time to be casual. There was only just barely enough time for frantic panicked desperation.
So he leapt into his car and chased after her as fast as he could.
At the first light he could get next to her he begged for her phone number. He begged to know her name. He begged, which women usually don't find very attractive.
My impossibly attractive female coworker is a fun-loving person, but she has limited patience. She wasn't keen on the begging and not overjoyed at being followed by this shell-shocked man in a car. So she took off. And he chased her. Eventually he gave up, possibly going home to cry at what was seemingly almost within his grasp and yet so far out of reach.
Yes, she inspires this kind of reaction in men sometimes, tears, actual tears.
So yesterday she was telling this story, sort of laughing and sort of nervous, which leads me to conclude that the idea of chasing a beautiful woman in your car and trying to get her phone number is probably not a very effective approach. I'll have to make a note of that. Too bad I didn't know this back in high school. I could have saved a lot of gas.
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