It's another Fuck You Friday.
I could say Fuck You to so many people, places, and things, but for now I'm still sticking with the headline news.
And now, the Nude Memphis news:
Apparently it is a crime to carry a Bible and speak the name of Jesus in
Fla. lawmaker urged to resign over slur
So what did he say? Did he say
Employment costs up 1.0 percent
And that’s just the effects of all the CEOs getting raises. Imagine if the workers were getting raises, too!
ABC News courting next generation on Internet
Hmm, isn’t ABC the network that bought ESPN and turned it into a giant man-bashing, all-women’s-sports-all-the-time, “women and men”, gay network? I think I’d rather read a blog.
Abortion, gay marriage among ballot issues
That’s funny because the entire time the Republicans felt they had a secure majority it was never among the issues that they actually did anything about. In fact, they never did anything about any of the issues that the vast majority of their supporters (white males who aren’t gay) told them to. Perhaps that’s why they’re shitting their pants for this election? Apparently they’ve noticed a loss of support. It sure took them long enough. I'll bet their wives are all sleeping with the gardener, too.
Frat suspended over 'Hood' party
Apparently a mostly white, 'diverse' fraternity isn’t allowed to have a ‘hood’ party because black people, whom the religiously anti-white white liberals call “African-Americans”, might get offended. Then again, if you want to have an antichrist party, by all means go ahead. No one would be offended by that. And if you want to march around campus burning torches and screaming that all males are “rapists” that’s fine, too. But no ‘hoods’ unless the ‘hoods’ are black, in which case they can say and do whatever the hell they want to and they will never, ever get suspended for it.
Dead woman wins election in Alaska after coin toss
Honestly, if we did this all across
Truck spills 2 tons of pig heads on road
You know, as fascinating as this headline is, all I can think of is why was a truck driving around with 2 tons of pig heads in the first place?
Batman helps Ga. town infested by bats
That was nice of him. If my neighborhood is infested with cats can I call Catwoman? ‘Cause I’d really like to.
Man builds 3,300-pound rubber band ball
Do you suppose this man is married? I’m guessing not. Too much free time.
Tattooing to become legal in Oklahoma
Hurray! After 20 years of hard-fought lobbying we have finally achieved the most important judicial reform in the history of the state of
A U.S. Congress switch seen stinging drug makers
Put a little white vinegar on that and it’ll take the sting right out. Oh wait, forget I said that. You need a prescription pain killer, right away!
Kerry apologizes for 'a botched joke'
What? That whole run for the White House thing? That’s OK. Americans are used to those sorts of jokes by now. We get them every four years. We just laugh and laugh no matter who wins. But that’s mostly because we drink way too much.

I stole this from Jessica
Father convicted in genital mutilation
Here's an idea, and you may not understand why I think it's a good one, but just give it time to roll around in your head for awhile. If you are applying any cutting instrument to any child's genitals for any reason, other than a surgical repair of some sort of damage, you should probably be arrested. I don't care if it is a boy or a girl. Don't do it.
Disillusioned online daters turn to matchmakers
I want a girl in a short dress and a looooooooong jacket.
Widespread creationism teaching would worry UK's Blair
Why? It’s closer to the only theory taught to your parents and it didn’t stop the world from turning. And now there is STILL only one theory being taught, a theory which has become as much a religion as anything else. Why not teach several of the prevailing theories (yes, there are several others) and let the kids who plan to continue in science work with as many tools as are available instead of limiting them to just the one? Isn’t that what science is supposed to be all about? Silly me, I’m just a scientist. What do I know? It takes a politician to understand such things.
Many conservative blacks still vote for Democrats
Many highly intelligent pot smokers still vote Libertarian. So what?
Expert: DNA from at least three men found under murdered Cape Cod woman's fingernails
It almost sounds like she went around scratching people, doesn’t it? Maybe that’s why she was killed in the first place, eh?
Lawyer says Dungeons & Dragons gamer was acting out a fantasy when he killed co-worker with a sword
I recall many a game of Dungeons & Dragons back in the day. And afterwards we’d all go out and slash people to death with our swords. Ah, good times!
Cubans are urged to be more active
Swim harder! It’s good for you.
Woman dies next to own grave
Shit, talk about cutting out the middleman!
Canada's tax on trusts wins support amid uproar
This sounds familiar. I seem to remember a former president saying “read my lips, no new taxes” and then he did what these guys are doing. And then his ass was out on the street. Some people never study history. They prefer to repeat it instead.
U.S. confirms soldier married an Iraqi
That’s nothing. My brother-in-law married a Rednecki.
Businesses may move health care overseas
Why not, that’s where 90 percent of the American corporations’ workers are anyway.
Amnesia victim still has no memories
Hence the term “amnesia victim”, dumbass. Duh!
DNA pioneer voices concern over database
Look! It’s a Libertarian and he’s in the
Democrats would push talks, better foreign ties
That’s how
Democrats have shot at Senate control: Reuters poll
Hmm, “shot” and “Senate”. There’s two words I like seeing together. Wait, what were we talking about?
Entercom Radio Buys Memphis' 94.1 The Buzz - fires Brad and Dana
OK, this wasn't in the news that I could find, but it should be. Everyone in Memphis is pissed off because a good station was bought out and turned into a shitty station. And DJ's Brad and Dana were fired apparently to save money. You want to save money? Stop rejecting perfectly good ads from Thompson & Company for no damn reason! My wife used to handle your accounts and you throw money down the shit-hole and then complain that you can't make a profit in Memphis. Bullshit. You just can't manage your station, that's all. You don't know what the hell you're doing! Fuck You, Entercom!

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