It's September 11th, the 7th anniversary of the attacks on America that killed thousands of innocent people around the country. I guess I should say something about it.
A now-privileged and protected group of guests in America hijacked passenger jets and crashed them into various strategic American locations, killing everyone on board and a great many thousands of people on the ground. It was an intentional act of mass murder and terrorism.
Of course, since that day the Ladies of the Left have taken over and declared that we aren't supposed to call it 'terrorism' and we certainly aren't ever supposed to call those who did it 'terrorists' because .... well, because that would be true. And as everyone who has watched the rise of the religion known as Political Correctness knows, the one thing above all others that the Church of Political Correctness and its' feminist priestesses does not tolerate is Truth.
Also, it is worth noting that many Americans on the Hard Left sided with the attackers, declaring their support for the mass murderers.
So, since I can't refer to the Muslim Saudi Arabian individuals who murdered American citizens in the name of Allah as 'terrorists' I think I'll just call them 'Assholes'.
On September 11th, 2001, certain wealthy Palestinian Islamic Assholes violently hijacked American jets. They crashed two of them into the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. A fourth jet was headed to Washington, DC when a handful of male passengers, known in non-PC circles as 'Real Men', rose up and attacked the wealthy Muslim Assholes before they could complete their mission. The jet crashed in a field near Shanksville in rural Somerset County, Pennsylvania, killing everyone on board.
I can only assume that according to the beliefs of the Assholes, since they did not die in the successful completion of their mission of politically correct mass murder, they must be today in Hell with 7 scabby homosexual politicians rather than in Heaven with the 7 vestal virgins they were promised. But it's hard to say for sure because they did manage to kill a couple of innocent people and apparently, according to their beliefs, this is still pretty good. So maybe they got 2 virgins and 3 gay Congressmen? I'm guessing, of course.

The Pentagon
The PC Hard Left says that we must not ever mention the fact that Mohammed did, in fact, call for the murder of 'infidels', which is a reference to all who are not followers of Mohammed. I suppose the Hard Left is so supportive of this view because they themselves call all non-believers of their 'social justice' religion of hate and murder 'Nazis' and ignore the fact that the Nazis were the social justice party of Germany, the Socialist Party, and were in fact just a German version of the American Hard Left.
Before I ramble on any further I'd like to point out something that many people either do not understand (modern Republican leaders) or do not bother to make clear. There is a difference between a Liberal and a Leftist. A Liberal may hear the 'social justice' rhetoric of a would-be dictator and 'feel' that it is right and good and true. They follow it without ever examining the consequences of it or realizing that it is a lie that leads only to hate and murder and the establishment of a police state. True Leftists, on the other hand, know exactly what it is that they're supporting, know exactly what it leads to, and know also that no one, including Liberals, would support it if they knew what the Assholes were really up to. So they find it convenient to portray themselves as being Liberals and to hide amongst them as wolves in sheeps' clothing.
A good example of this difference between Liberal and Leftist would be The Weather Underground, a radical group of Jewish American Leftists who sprang out of a communist college organization called the SDS and began a campaign of bombings of various American sites, including a bombing of the Pentagon which mysteriously is rarely mentioned in any modern history classes in the United States of America. The SDS was a communist organization, but portrayed itself as a harmless flower-sniffing 'social justice' movement, drawing in as many liberal-minded young college students as it could and using their support to create a terrorist organization made up almost entirely of wealthy upper class men and women from Ivy League colleges in the North Eastern United States and California. The SDS and Weather Underground also take credit for planning and executing the very intentional riots of the 1968 Democratic National Convention. They eventually focused their influence and efforts in Chicago, Illinois, where several of their former leaders enjoy positions of power and influence in city, state, and national politics today. Democratic President Jimmy Carter pardoned them all for their most serious offenses before leaving office, insisting that they didn't really mean any harm.

So anyway, it's been 7 years since 'Assholes' from The Middle East attacked America, murdering thousands of innocent people in the process, as was their intention. Since then we have established a Department of Homeland Security, turned flying into a nightmare for the average citizen, bankrupted our airline industry, passed some fairly unconstitutional laws, given our police electric torture devices called Tasers and empowered them to use them on American citizens' genitals in blatant violation of our own laws as well as international law, watched the Soviet Union begin to rise again, watched the Chinese cheat like hell in the Olympics while America destroys its' own Olympic future, and established an odd habit of writing down every single thought that enters a person's head and publishing it on the internet to be called a 'Blog'.
Oh, and also, we have refused to allow anyone to write or draw anything that Muslims say offends them, especially in our 'free press' and on the television news. Anything that offends males, white people, heterosexuals, or Christians, on the other hand, is not only allowed, but actively encouraged and in some circles, mandated.
So here we are. 8 years ago we were given a President named George W. Bush. 7 years ago some politically correct Assholes attacked America, murdering thousands, while their brothers and sisters in Allah promised that there would be more to come. Since that time we have declared all criticism of Islam to be 'wrong', encouraged our police to use sexual torture on male Americans while condemning and imprisoning our soldiers for doing far less to Muslim terrorists, I mean Assholes, created a new department in our government to spy on Americans in order to search for Assholes among us while simultaneously prohibiting them from examining any Palestinians or Muslims, thrown the Republicans out of Congress, watched the rise and fall and possible rise again of Britney Spears, wondered what the hell is wrong with Lindsay Lohan, gone through a string of Disney-created female stars who got naked and drunk on the internet, watched the American Press fight a war within itself over whether Hillary or Barack Obama was the next 'Great Leader', and not had any more attacks by Assholes on American soil since that day 7 years ago due to our determination to take the fight to them and kick their asses on their own soil, in their own cities, and their own neighborhoods.
That's really all I have to say about that. I never had anything deep or meaningful I wanted to say here. I just thought I should mention this since today is the anniversary of the attacks, which our 'liberal' (Leftist) Press refers to as 'tragedies' because it might imply that someone did something wrong if they were to call it an attack. I wish I could say our country has learned something valuable from all of this, but I don't believe that we have. We remain as divided as ever, with both of our major political parties finding it useful and convenient to continue encouraging these divisions and hostilities. And while we focus our attentions on the Assholes in the Middle East, Russia is right now sending a fleet of ships to the Caribbean Ocean to conduct war exercises right in our backyard, demonstrating their ability to shut down all our shipping lanes in the Gulf where our domestic oil supplies are located and daring us to do anything about it.
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