Obama Man
So the news this week is mildly entertaining. And since I'm having to miss all the new shows on TV due to helping My Niece move, and not getting to work out due to still having this virus or whatever it is, I think I'll just comment on whatever ...

We've all known it since the very first time we saw him, but he hasn't known until just now. Apparently the hundreds, if not thousands, of stand-up comics doing jokes about how gay he is finally got through to him. Or is this just peer pressure and he only 'thinks' he's gay? Nah, as gay goes, he's pretty damn gay.

Apparently bashing on white males all the time isn't as profitable as some seem to think. Washington Mutual, the big mortgage company that devoted every single dime of its' advertising budget to bashing white males despite a wave of protests, is begging a bunch of white males to save their bigoted ass from bankruptcy. Personally, I say let it burn.

A man in West Virginia farted while being booked into jail. The officer said it smelled bad and charged him with battery. I'm sure infamous prosecutor Mike Nifong would gladly take this case and do everything in his power to crucify this cop-killer, 'cuz that's how he rolls! Who knew that farting could be declared a crime? Especially when infamous West Virginian spouse-abuser and sex-offender Lorena Bobbitt was acquitted there for a far worse crime than farting.

Isn't this just the same guy, only with a few letters moved around in his name? I swear, all those African dictators' names look alike to me.

Hey baby, remember me?
Wasn't I just talking about this psycho last week? "Shoot his ass - SHOOT HIS ASS!"

Chalk up another fatal shooting courtesy of the fine folks at Taser International's Down Home Country Torture Devices. It isn't entirely Taser's fault this time, though. Police shot this distraught man with the deadly torture gun as he was standing naked on the ledge of a building. I mean, what the hell did they think would happen?

A Kentucky man went in for a circumcision and came out with no penis at all after his apparently deranged and brain-damaged surgeon just decided to cut the whole thing off. The surgeon claimed that he 'thought' he detected cancer, but he never bothered consulting with the victim, his patient, or allowed him to get a second opinion. The victim went in for a useless and rather agonizing circumcision procedure which he was advised to get in order to alleviate inflammation. What he got was total sexual annihilation. In his complaint, the victim states, "What the fuck?!"

Politically Correct Rape Victim
A boy who was 11 years old when a man kidnapped him and subjected him to 6 years of sexual abuse has escaped at the age of 17. News programs want to interview him, but only on the condition that he never say the words "gay" or "anal rape". Shawn Hornbeck, one of several victims of the PC Molester, said no one in The Press will talk to him unless he signs an agreement not to say anything about his captor's sexual orientation or talk about being raped by him. Rumors that the kidnapper is a former Disney child-star have been quietly squashed.

Rich people
Bill Clinton and Bono have joined forces to harass other people not as rich as themselves for not giving enough money to poor people. Meanwhile, rumors are floating around that Bill Clinton has been constantly reminding Bono that he plays a mean saxophone and could be a "kick-ass addition" to the band U2. Also, Clinton's attempts at creating a reality show in which he travels around to various upper-class parties as a paid guest with various 20-something socialites, such as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, has not met with much enthusiasm from either the major networks or the 20-something socialites he was hoping to score with.

Not getting to tap that
So anyway, I spent all of last night moving furniture and trying to figure out how to get a giant green couch through a door less than half the size of the couch. How did they get the thing in there? Are you sure it has to go out? Do you have a chainsaw? So much fun. Not!
Tonight I'll be doing the same, only this time it will involve a truck and hopefully more people. Hopefully I'll get to bed at a decent time tonight because I didn't last night and I am dying.
Tomorrow night I get to drive for 3 1/2 hours before arriving at my own home and collapsing into my own bed.
I did manage to catch a few glimpses of the TV, which was on while I was moving furniture around My Mom's house to make room for My Niece's coming furniture. I saw that on Pen and Tellers's show, "Bullshit" they spent almost an entire episode in Rockettown talking about the space program and some of the aerospace crap we have here in The Rocket City. They even interviewed a few local NASA people before turning around and ripping on NASA about being inefficient and expensive.
Then they asked the question no one is supposed to ask - why is it that in the '50s and '60s NASA was able to do impossible things with less technology than we have today in an ordinary wrist watch, yet today it seems like they can't do even half as much?
No mention was made of the social programs the U.S. Government has implemented since those amazing days, programs used to hire and promote based on sex and race rather than on intellect and skill and which have only grown bigger, more powerful, and more bloated since they began some 40 years ago.
Such is the power of politics and denial. Sure we can't do shit anymore, but look how diverse our space program is now! Hardly any white males at all.

And isn't that all that really matters?
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