Dream a little dream of me
My weird and crazy dreams continued this weekend. Apparently I've returned from Australia because almost all of it last night was somewhere here in America, but I have no idea where.
I was in an auto parts store. I don't know why I was there. There was a robbery occurring. I didn't care. I just stood there and watched the bullets fly past. I didn't bother to duck. I left with someone going to I don't know where. And then we came back. I got into my truck and left on my own. I don't know where I was going. I just remember not caring about any of it and not feeling any concern about being lost or shot at.
Some strange things happened next. I don't recall them entirely. I remember being in some sort of zoo or aquarium. There was a bunch of school kids around me asking me questions as if I was their teacher or something.
Later I remember sitting and talking to Kylie, so apparently I was in Australia again for awhile. But I don't know how I got there. I was at Kylie's house sitting down in her living room. We were talking about Steph being gone and how much we missed her. It was strange because I doubt Kylie would have me over to her house all alone and I doubt that she'd open up to me about anything she was feeling in regard to Steph. I don't know exactly why I think this though. I felt relaxed there. And very sad. I think this was the only time in the dream that I really felt anything at all.
Sometime later I was back in America, back in that nondescript place where I had been in the auto parts store. All kinds of things were happening. There were military vehicles and machine guns and flame throwers. There was a big chase, almost like a military battle. It was a hell of a fight. I never knew if I was with the cops or with the other side because I never cared enough to check. I watched a man get gunned down by a man firing a machine gun mounted in a Humvee. As he fell to the ground he waved his flamethrower around and tried to toast the guy who shot him. He set a bunch of the pursuing vehicles on fire, but they kept on going anyway, still shooting at people up ahead of him. I saw someone in a Humvee stand up and shoot him again as he lay on the ground still holding his flamethrower and then he finally died.
At some point the vehicle I was in ran up onto the sidewalk next to a telephone pole. My black minitruck was parked there, neatly positioned squarely on the sidewalk in the middle of downtown WhereTheHellAreWe. I had been riding with some black girl whom I apparently worked with and who had something to do with me and all those kids being at the aquarium. Was I a teacher? Anyway, she was very happily talking to me the whole time. But I wasn't paying attention to what she was saying much, something about someone's birthday. I guess I didn't care. She was stopping there on the sidewalk to let me get out. And then she drove off. The city around me was half intact and half destroyed by war. And there was fighting and smoke off in the distance. I barely noticed it. It looked a lot like several large American inner cities I've been to, including Memphis.
The dream ended with me standing on the sidewalk next to my truck. Across the street I saw a cop about to ambush the last of whomever it was that they had been shooting at. Officer Paige Davis, the host of Trading Spaces, was hiding next to a telephone pole with her gun on her hip, singing at the top of her lungs, apparently to try to appear as if she was just some casual passerby I guess. Who knows why she was singing?
And then I woke up. I felt sick and my pillow was wet, as if I had been upset at some point. Only during the dreams I felt absolutely nothing, as if I were walking through a haunted house on Halloween and none of the scary things around me meant a thing.
I hardly ate anything yesterday. I can't imagine what set this off. But I don't feel well regardless. I thought I was going to puke when I first got up. And I pooped my brains out instead of the usual morning pee. It was one of those can't decide if I need the toilet for puking or pooping situations, but ultimately the poop won. Tonight I have to drive back to Rockettown and get ready for work tomorrow. I'm not excited about that. In fact, I'm not excited about anything lately.

Hello officer
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