"I'm not just a psycho. I also sing very badly."
I read that one of every ten people are sociopaths of varying degrees. In my life, just thinking quickly, I can come up with several sociopaths I've known.
One is a relative whom I won't mention by name.
One was a "coworker" at a Memphis-based express shipping company, named Robbie.
One was a girl I met at college, named Angie, who occasionally visited the Sunday School class at my church and also came to the Baptist Student Union every now and then. We didn't know it at the time, but she only came to spread lies about everyone who was ever nice to her. She was a big drama queen, doing all she could to draw attention and sympathy to herself. She nearly got a guy at the BSU killed by telling lies about him beating his girlfriend.
That was her favorite lie. "He's beating her."
She'd come in acting all upset when her target wasn't around and ask people to pray for this "friend" they all knew. She'd act upset but insist she couldn't say why we needed to pray for them. She'd let you ask her what was wrong a few times to make it seem as if you had to drag the information out of her. Then she'd say, "don't tell anyone this, but ... but ... he's beating her."
Whoop, there it is.
She did this over and over and over to a bunch of people. Most of the people she did it to never even knew why suddenly all their friends started to avoid them or be even mean to them. Of course, it was the guys they were all mean to. The girls they treated as if they were a terminal cancer patient. And most of the time she was doing it to guys she barely knew who just happened to be dating girls she was mad at for one reason or another. Usually she was mad at her girl"friend" just because she felt the girl hadn't been paying enough attention to her. As far as Angie was concerned, EVERYTHING was about her.
She tried to blackmail my fiancee at the time, Tiffany, by threatening to tell lies about her if Tiffany didn't spend more time with her.
Tiffany and I broke up not long after that. She left me for a guy she met at work named Ryan. A few weeks after she'd left me I met a girl named Anna and asked her out. She said she'd go. I was so excited. I liked Anna a lot.
Angie had heard that Tiffany had dumped me for some other guy. She was apparently mad at me because I had been dating Tiffany when Tiffany "neglected" her. So Angie went to Anna and told her that Tiffany had broken up with me because I beat her. Anna didn't know me all that well and she barely knew Angie at all, so she had no idea what to believe. She broke off the date and hid from me every time she saw me coming. Suddenly she was terrified of me and I had no idea why.
Meanwhile, Angie came to me, seeing how upset and confused I was, and told me that I needed to pray for Tiffany. It was so horrible. Oh, but she can't tell me why. Just please pray for her. I was already in an emotional hurricane so I fell right into it. I got upset and demanded to know what was wrong with Tiffany. Angie lied and told me that Tiffany's new boyfriend, Ryan, was beating her. This was before I knew that she had told the same lie about me to Anna and about several others, so I fell for it completely. I started to head straight out the door to kill Ryan.
In my defense, Ryan did turn out to be a total dick, as Tiffany later told me, but he wasn't beating anyone and neither had I.
Rodney, the BSU president, tried to stop me from going to kill him.
"Steve, it isn't worth it." Rodney said. He argued with me for a long time. Then I told him why I was so mad.
"Angie says that bastard is beating Tiffany." Rodney immediately changed his mind.
"I'll drive." he said.
As we were about to head out and murder the dickhead that my fiancee had dumped me for, all over a complete lie Angie had told us, I suddenly began remembering all the other lies Angie had told that I knew about, which was only a tiny portion of all she had done. At this point I knew about a lot of her lies, but not the "he's beating her" scam.
Still, Angie was that good at her crimes. She had lied her ass off in front of me in the past and I had seen it, but she played me on this one and I fell for it even knowing what a lying, manipulative bitch she was. I almost killed Ryan the Camaro-driving shithead for something he didn't even do.
Later that night I called Tiffany and asked her flat out about Angie's claim that Ryan was beating her. Tiffany was furious. Tiffany called Angie. She told Angie, "if you don't shut up about me and my friends I'll tell everyone you know that you're living with your boyfriend and that last week you were in a panic because you thought you might be pregnant, you fat whore."
Angie truly was a fat whore, by the way, and everything Tiffany had threatened to tell about Angie was all true. It did the trick. Angie shut up. But only for a short while.
A true sociopath can't stop playing their game for very long, no matter what the risk to their own lives. It's just something they 'have' to do. Hurting people is what they live for.
Angie is incredibly evil. She never stopped, she just moved from place to place, hurting people all along the way. I wouldn't be surprised if she works for the government now, drawn to power like a fly to shit, probably in the courts being paid tax money for "advising" judges and cops on divorces or domestic violence cases. I'd bet money on it. She's a twisted evil person and a typical sociopath.
One of every ten people, eh? I don't know. I've met quite a few, but that still sounds a little high to me. Then again, there are a lot of feminists, Marxists, and Maoists in the world, destroying lives while crying "this is for social justice" as if hate is not hate if you just market it well enough. There's certainly no shortage of CEOs and human resources specialists. Certainly many of the sociopaths are clustered together in our large and infamously fanatical universities. And they are certainly drawn to Washington D.C. And let's not forget the federal courts. Maybe the ones that don't work for our oversized government all work for Disney or ESPN, forcing the men there to say "women and men" just to feed their already oversized narcissistic egos? Who can say? One or two might be sitting next to you every day at work or in your home and you don't even know it yet. But one way or another you'll eventually find out, whether you like it or not.

Happy Halloween!