I was going to just pull a joke out of Draft and put it out here. I'm barely concious and hardly functioning. Pardon all the misspellings coming your way. I may see them and be too tired to back up and fix them.
I feel like a fucking old man.
I woke up at 2 a.m. and peed. I don't know why I woke up, but I always do.
I woke up again at 4. No reason. I got up and peed since I was up anyway.
Fucking cat woke me up at 5. She was sitting in the middle of the living room meowing at the top of her lungs for NO FUCKING REASON.
I resisted the urge to punt her across the room and just yelled at her. But now I was up and that was that. I went back to bed, but it did no good. I was done. My mind was on and it wasn't going back off again.
Even though I know it was a mistake, because she'll think I rewarded her for waking me up, I let the fucking cat out. Then I tried to go back to sleep again, hoping that the abscence of her annoying ass in the house would help. It didn't. I hot up at 5:30 and started reading.
I really didn't feel like reading. I have a lot on my mind and not much of it is very pleasant. But since it wasn't getting me anywhere to worry over it when I should be sleeping, and since I couldn't do a damned thing about any of it at 5 fucking A.M. I just decided to force it out of my mind while I read a book.
So, now I'm at work. I need to poop, but I'm too tired to get up and go do it. I went searching through my draft files for something to post and I see that Blogger has added spaces and carriage returns and shit to several posts that needed no spaces and carriage returns added. Lovely. I hate when they do that fucking shit to my posts.
I was going to say something, but I feel like I'm about to fall into my keyboard. I forgot what it was.
Saturday My Wife pulled down 2 butterfuly bushes from out front of the house. It doesn't look good and since we're about to sell they had to go. She wants to keep them though, so she had me throw them into the back of my truck to take to the new house. But when it came time to go to the new house and plant them, she didn't feel like it. OK, so tomorrow then?
Tomorrow came and she didn't feel like it then, either. So there they sit, drying up like pressed clovers in a Bible, only in the back of my truck, where the sun is cooking them. And these aren't small bushes either. They're huge. I'm driving around with giant dead bushes in my truck and all because I was trying to help My Wife.
My Wife is annoying the shit out of me. Trying to help her is like trying to work with an angry badger. You can't help her because she wants control of everything. And she can't communicate worth a shit, so even if she tries to tell you what she wants she says it wrong and then gets mad at you when you don't understand what the fuck she meant to say and instead listened to what she actually said. Every plant she pulls up with intent to move ends up dead. Every plant she puts in a pot ends up dead. She intends to do this and intends to do that, and a year later she's still insisting she's going to do it, long after it's dead and gone or whatever.
I'm really tired. I have absolutely no direction that I intend to go with this post. I am in total chaos right now. My brain just won't focus because it hasn't had any fucking sleep. I haven't been to the gym in over 3 weeks now because of all the moving of crap and working on the houses. I look like crap. And it isn't as if I wasn't already looking like crap before I missed 3 weeks' worth of workouts, either. If crap could wear a polo shirt, Dockers and some expensive shoes this is what it'd look like.
Did I mention that I'm tired?