There was a good reason the women in the audience at Elvis' shows were going berserk back when he was young. And it was the same reason the television networks wouldn't show him from the waist down. He was often up on stage with a big old boner and he'd sometimes get off during the show. The women knew what they were seeing, and so did the television producers. There hasn't been anyone since who could duplicate that.
Elvis impersonators are mostly just pathetic old men. They have no idea about the boner or anything else Elvis had that made the women wild. A few are young guys who were told that they sing so much like Elvis anyway that they might as well make some good money imitating him.
Cops are using their tasers on anyone and everyone, as if they were no more dangerous than a feather. And people are getting hurt and killed. This is not just Memphis. This is nationwide.
Anyone coming through Memphis with a license plate from California, Arizona, New Mexico or Texas is going to get to meet our police. If your tag is from L.A. County you are going to be pulled over several times. Lots of drugs come through here from those places and they are looking for you.
Crooked stupid people can get elected and reelected. All you have to do is appeal to hatred of the White Man and you are in the running. Alternatively, you can just appeal to hatred of men in general. It works about as well. The other side just talks about lowering taxes and then promises a bunch of other bullshit that they have no intention of ever actually doing.
Elvis was a white trash boy who made it big. But he was still white trash and he knew it. In the end it was all too much. But it must have been fun while it lasted.
The worst Memphis drivers are in Cordova.
The slowest and least competent drivers all come from Mississippi.
A stop sign doesn't mean anything, especially during rush hour when it's raining.
If you're really weak, pathetic, and insecure you can gain the courage to go out in public by talking on your cellphone nonstop. Do it while you're driving and don't stop when you reach your destination. Walk all through the stores blabbering away like a scared monkey on a tightrope, desperately afraid that your battery will die and leave you all alone in Wal*Mart with no one to hold your hand.
Memphis was founded as a port for ships coming up the Mississippi River. Basically it had hookers and bars and that was about all. Memphis first got a sewer system when the hookers went on strike in demand of it. Because they were such a major industry for Memphis they won. Nothing here has really changed since that time.
Memphis is the Zimbabwe of Tennessee.
There are more narcissists and sociopaths in Memphis then the entire rest of the state combined.
Memphis has more whores than Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama put together. Not all of them are out on street corners, though. Several of them work at large corporations with corporate offices in Memphis, such as AutoZone, FedEx, Hilton, International Paper, and Regions Bank.
Memphis is the meth capital of Tennessee.
The entire Delta area, of which Memphis is a large part, has always been known for its' deep-seated crime and corruption throughout its' entire history.

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