I ate it. And it tasted fine to me. All gone. Thanks JD!
I actually stole Le Laquet's quiz from Magpie
1. How did you get the idea for your profile name? - 'Cause famous people I was emailing/stalking kept confusing who the hell I was, so I identified myself as "Steve in Memphis" which is easier to say as "Memphis Steve." Just be grateful because one talented celebrity, prior to obtaining a restraining order, was calling me "Stee Squarepants" and I almost went with that.
2. What song are you playing now, or wish you were playing? - Kelly Clarkson, "Since You've Been Gone" is in my head because Magpie said it was in hers and that made me think of it. Now I can't stop.
3. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? - Yeah, when Jayne Mansfield died in that car wreck I was heartbroken. True, I wasn't born yet, but I heard about it on the Biography channel and boy was I upset. I cried so hard I scared my cat and he shit on the carpet. Or maybe he just needed to go outside, but it sure seemed like he was upset for me. He's a very empathetic cat. Or spiteful. I can never tell which.
4. What colour underwear are you wearing? - White and Brown, but I added the brown myself just a minute ago.
6. What does your dad do for a living? - He sits on his ass and watches the stock market all day 'cause he's retired and comes from a generation that had both fathers and mothers and thus got pensions to live on when they were done working, unlike those of us today who get nothing but old and sick and poor.
7. What does your mum do for a living? - She raised kids and then stayed around to help spend Dad's pension. Not bad work if you can get it.
9. What colour are your bed sheets? - White and brown, but I added the brown gradually over time.
10. What are the last 3 digits of your phone number? - I use the same digit to dial all of them, my index digit.
11. What was the last concert you went to? - Beethoven. Dude, he's like totally fuckin' deaf or something. Lou Ferrigno played base.
12. Who was with you? - God and Amadeus. We had a rockin' good time and then went for drinks after. God paid for our sins.
13. What was the last film you watched? - I don't know. I think I was drunk at the time. No wait, the filmmaker was drunk. It was some indie film from Australia where you thought this unemployed guy killed this hot woman, but it turned out she had accidently run off a cliff in the woods in the dark after jumping out of his truck when she broke down on the side of the road and he picked her up and made a detour without telling her and she got scared and it actually wasn't a bad movie. And then this blind guy was taking photos and asked this famous guy named Russell Crowe, who was about 18 at the time, to tell him what was in the pictures. No wait, that was two different movies.
14. Who do you dislike most at this moment? - Several politicians come to mind, but that guy/bitch who parked halfway in my space is high on my list right now, too.
15. What food do you crave right now? - Vegemite
16. Did you dream last night? - Yes, I dreamed red fire ants were crawling all over me and I blame Lucky Lum for that, damn you and your wild, dangerous, ant-mound-kicking ways!
17. What was the last TV show you watched? - A rerun of "Are You Being Served" that had that woman from "Absolutely Fabulous" playing a perfume saleswoman in a guest appearance.
18. What is your fav piece of jewellery? - My penis ring
19. What is to the left of you? - My left arm, upon which I am wearing my fabulous WalMart Armitron wristwatch that Lightning Bug's Butt only WISHES he could have 'cause it's so fuckin' cool!
20. What was the last thing you ate? - Lasagna from the deli downstairs and now I gotta poop. Did I mention the brown in my underwear? Totally their fault.
21. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? - Well, I tried to snuggle up to Carmen Electra ... have I mentioned her name on here before? ... but she wasn't having any of it, so My Wife took me back.
22. Who last MSN'd you? - Binsk is possibly the only person who ever MSNed with me and I had to ping her first. Zebraman may have MSNed with me once or twice, too, but then he left the country and I was all alone. That's probably when I started IM-stalking Binsk, too. So it's really all his fault, if you think about it without believing in personal responsibility at all.
23. Where is your significant other right now? - At work, slaving over your damn taxes which you brought in at the last possible minute, you fucktard!
24. Do you have a crush? - Yes, I have orange, grape, and strawberry in my fridge and extras in the pantry. Seriously. I mean it. I could show you a photo even. I've got a major stash 'cause they can be hard to find around here.
25. What is his/her name? - Orange Crush, duh!
26. When was the last time you had your hair cut? - Last weekend, and it don't look so fabulous neither, biotch.
27. Are you on any meds? - Claritin and all the LSD I can score, dude.
28. Do you have a mental disease? - Yes, I clearly must and I want to tell you all about it. I hunt down and kill people who write internet quizzes because I'm crazy like a fox.
29. What shirt are you wearing? - Red polo
30. Are you sexy? - Are you blind?
31. What's your favourite store? - The Hot Chick Wants Sex With Losers store
32. Are you thirsty? No, I have ice water sitting right here with me.
33. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? - No, but I can refresh my memory by looking over my wedding photos.
34. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? - Have we not talked about Carmen Electra already?
35. Where do you work? - In the United States at a large financial institution. I have all your personal info sitting right here at my desk and I see that you're currently overdrawn. Dude, try saving a little every now and then, seriously!
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