I've been playing with my tiny digital camera. It doesn't have a flash and so indoor photos and nighttime photos blur badly. There is no way you could ever put a tripod under this thing so I'll just have to learn to prop it against things somehow. Anyway, it's fun so long as I don't get in trouble over it.
Speaking of trouble, I emailed this link around to people at work and didn't notice the ads for porn all around it until I was watching the video of Mr. Dancing Fool with my boss. Oops. So far they haven't escorted me out of the building so I guess that's a good sign. I recalled as many copies of the email as I could.
A judge has ordered the death of Teri Schiavo through starvation today. This is such an odd fight. There are those who place no value whatever on human life and then there are those that view it as sacred. And never the twain shall meet, because activist judges will never allow voters to reach any consensus on anything. They'll just TELL us what to do, like overpaid and unaccountable parents in long black robes who do a lot of cocaine and hang out at rich people's parties a lot. Lovely.
I've got a smelly fart and I can't seem to let it go. What's up with that?

Today we celebrated the 35th birthday of the beautiful fantasy art-looking woman. She seems like someone who is a blast to hang out with, but it is unlikely that I'll ever find that out for sure. You never can tell, though. As funny as she can be while sober I'm guessing she's a riot when buzzed.
Earlier today she came by my cube to get a pack of cigarettes. I sell them for $20 a carton. Want to buy some? Anyway, she didn't want a carton. She just wanted a pack. She says she's trying to quit. Well, being the pillar of strength and machismo I said, "No way, bitch. I ain't breakin' open a carton just to give you a pack."
Yeah, right. So what really happened is this, I sat and watched as she tore it open and took the pack, then handed me back the rest. And I said, "Happy birthday" for good measure as she walked away. Yeah, that's right, I gave'em to her for free. You got a problem with that?
My former employer, the Memphis Express Shipping Company, has been contacting me about coming back to work there. This is the second time. And not coincidently, a former coworker in The Evil Robbie's team suddenly emailed me out of the blue to ask, "Hey, what's up?" Every time they contact me about coming back there I get this email from this guy. I seem to recall that one of Evil Robbie's favorite tricks while assassinating our previous boss was to spoof emails to stir up confusion and fights. Now that he is the boss of the team he can just monitor all of my previous coworkers' computer activities and pick up their actual logins and passwords, so the usual checks for a spoof probably wouldn't help. Regardless, I'm only mildly interested in working there again. Any company that would tolerate a narcissistic sociopath like Evil Robbie and then promote him to a position of authority as a reward for murdering his previous boss and several coworkers is not somewhere I would run begging to work at again.
Google is in the shitter this week. One 'expert' said he thought Google was overvalued and the market dropped it 5 points in a day. Then the price of oil went up and talk of inflation started to make the markets nervous. Now Google is down another 3 points. To top it all off, the 'experts' are now saying that Yahoo! looks like a good investment. What did I say weeks ago? Buy Yahoo! And what was I trying to buy when I got Google by mistake? Yahoo! Oh well, you lose some and you lose some more. This isn't over yet. Google isn't dead, just damned expensive, which is why they haven't split the stock.
Someone is standing at my cube reading the Dilbert cartoons I posted there. If I could get that fart out now it would be the perfect time. Oh please oh please oh please come out now!
Everyone is having to go home to take care of sick kids who have the stomach flu. I seem to be here almost entirely alone except for the guy I farted at. I think perhaps it's time for me to go, too.
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