OK, so I was over at Krista's blog, Oceanaria, and this Google ad popped up for me to read while I was writing a comment about what a great photographer and how beautiful Krista is - "Gay? Time to buy a home?"
So let me get this straight, here, I'm white and male and hetero, so that means if I prefer to do business with whites then I'm supposed to be a racist. If I prefer to do business with men then I'm supposed to be a sexist. If I prefer to do business with heteros then I'm supposed to have some irrational fear of homosexuals that can only be diagnosed by screaming political activists who openly hate men, Jesus Christ, and America, for reasons never fully explained.
But if everyone else does it, that's fine.
I have a post about this that I've been shoving around in draft for about 6 months. I listed nearly a hundred businesses that advertise as being for women only, for blacks only, for gays only, and somehow I'm supposed to be OK with this even as the federal government openly discriminates against white male businesses in awarding contracts, and encourages everyone else to discriminate against white male employees and businesses through various programs and the abuse of the EEOC.
Is there anyone reading my blog who honestly can't see why this might be wrong? I mean, morally and legally wrong, and bad for the future of our entire society, as we intentionally move to destroy a significant and highly productive segment of our population for no other reason than simple bigotry and fashionable hate?
I've heard a million excuses for why this is OK, but wouldn't be OK if it were reversed. But they're all just that - excuses. You make excuses when you know you're full of shit and dead busted.
Remember the Nazis, with their fashionable hatred of the Jews, scapegoating the Jews and encouraging everyone to discriminate against them and hate them, too? If you don't know what I'm talking about, I think there is a movie about it, called "Schindler's List", that might help. Anyway, Germany did this to the Jews, just as we are today to white male heterosexuals. The Jews who foresaw where the trend was heading fled the country, mostly to the United States. Germany was at its' height of power and productivity, and threatened to dominate all of Europe with relative ease at that time. Over the following years, many of those "politically incorrect" Jews who came to America, produced amazing discoveries in medicine and technology, turning the United States into the worlds' leader in all of these areas up to this very day. Others became professors at our most elite universities, teaching our children to become great thinkers and innovators, too.
But this very day is where it's ending, as our nation cries and bitches that we need more engineers and scientists, surgeons and specialists, and most of all advanced level researchers, too few of which are being produced by our feminist, man-hating universities, where males are not welcomed and damn well know it. The misandric feminists, who increasingly control the education establishment, openly express hatred of males in their classrooms and campus-wide, with the full blessings of the U.S. Government. Our PC corporations roll over and bow to the new State Church of Misandry, even as they demand that our Congress allow them to look elsewhere for engineers, mathematicians, physicists, surgeons and research scientists, due to an odd and increasing shortage in these once popular fields - popular with male students, that is.
When was the last time you saw an ad relating to education that featured a white male face front and center, wearing a cap and gown, and looking straight into the camera? Ads for educational institutions pop up on webpages I visit all the time. I get their flyers in the mail at my house. I see them on billboards along the highway. But I haven't seen a male face, of any race, front and center, in focus, looking straight into the camera, in several years. Not even one.
Political correctness, inflated ego, narcissism, denial, and raw evil are all every bit as responsible for destroying the strongest Germany that had ever been as were the bombs dropped from American planes.
Tuesday, the latest edition of "Women's Health" Magazine arrived in the mail. My Wife threw it aside, so I picked it up. Flipping through it, as I have done with almost every issue since I bought her the subscription, I found that this months' issue considers marriage and men to be a toy for women and nothing of great significance, encourages women to marry younger men so they can control them, and says in one article, "as men become increasingly obsolete," with absolute seriousness and no apologies. I had already noticed that since a large publishing company bought Rodale Press, the company that publishes "Men's Health", everything in the magazine changed and the attitudes became oddly unmanly. It wasn't overt. It was a subtle change, a feeling that something isn't right. "Men's Health" now encourages men to worry about their hair, their clothes, their weight, and their scent, but never, ever, about any political or health issue that might be of concern to men and might require them to take action. Meanwhile, "Women's Health", which was created by this new acquiring company, has a constant subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle, attitude of hostility towards men and heterosexuality, and makes a point of encouraging women to take feminist stances on political issues. "Men's Health" requires their writers to make an effort to interview female doctors, scientists, etc and quote them in every article, while "Women's Health" goes even further, avoiding quoting any men in any article for any reason.
Why does "diversity," as defined by the PC socialists in academia, blatantly exclude white males, Asians, Indians, Jews, and Christians? How can "inclusiveness" be so exclusive?
Why are so many of these elitist White-People-Haters white people themselves? Why are so many of the misandric college professors and politicians men?
Where are we heading? Is this where we really want to go?

Never missed a flight in her life
"It's better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret."
Jackie-Joyner Kersee, really fast runner, but not the one with the funky fingernails and shit
"Once you say something, don't backpedal. Follow words with action."
Franklin Roosevelt, dead president and renowned egomaniac, married to first known gay first lady who eventually became the first lesbian U.S. President, although not officially
"No man, for a considerable period, can wear one face to himself, and another to the multitude, without finally getting bewildered as to which may be true."
Nathaniel Hawthorne, writer who clearly never visited Washington, D.C.
"You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you."
Walt Disney, creator of Disney, who probably would have had a thing or two to say about the new Disney's perverted love of kicking to the crotch in every single "children's" movie
"Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold."
Helen Keller, famous blind and deaf girl, who sure played a mean pinball
"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about."
Charles Kingsley, clergyman and rabid MapleLeafs fan, who was once accused of screaming at a referee, "you need Jesus .... to heal those blind eyes of yours!"
"No one can cheat you out of ultimate success but yourself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, poet who never heard of the IRS

"I don't care what anyone says, I think I'd look cool with a soul patch like that ice skater guy."
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