Another weekend, another nothing much. I wasn't exactly in tip top shape and so I spent most of the weekend in bed or on the couch watching football. The Wife was with me. She was dead tired and might be fighting off whatever it is that has been killing me. So we just sat there for 2 days under a blanket. That cats fought over the giant lap opportunity and generally drove us crazy. It's what cats do. It's their job.
I appreciate that some of you actually care that I'm sick. If I had a doctor here in Rockettown I'd have been to see him by now, but as yet I don't. My last doctor from way, way back when I used to live here was a useless pustule and so I'm a bit picky about who I choose this time around. I suppose if I die of pneumonia while searching then it's all pretty much irrelevant. I mean, it won't matter to me because I'll be gone. Problem solved. Anyway, I am slowly getting better, or seem to be.
This whole working away from home 5 days a week is really getting to me. Or maybe I was down already and I just pretended I wasn't? Whatever the case, I seem to have fallen into a hole and I'm sinking. It's apparently affecting my blog because when I write snarky posts people read them as dead serious and jump on me. I would have thought the video of John McCain and Barack Obama being dubbed by Gary Busey and Mr. T would have been a dead giveaway, but that was back when I assumed people actually read the posts. I was young and naive. What did I know?
My comments on other people's blogs, also intended to be sarcastic and snarky, are being read completely differently than I meant them, too. So clearly it's me. I'm just off. I'm way, way off. I think I'm being so edgy only to have people respond with "good God, man, what is WRONG with you?!" Yes indeed, what is wrong with me? I don't know anymore.
I have begun to neglect The Girlie. She emails me several times a day for relationship advice. It has always made me happy to help her. It has given me some sort of purpose in my life. But lately I find that I have too much work to do and so I put her off. Or perhaps it's something else? Today I'm just not feeling it. If I can't make my own life work then how could I be possibly helping her any? And why would she be hanging out with me anyway? She's a hot 23-year-old with guys panting after her like a pack of wolves. And I am me. I don't fit in there anywhere that I can see. It must be an odd sight, the 2 of us sitting around drinking and talking about her sex life and all these crazy mixed up guys who want to do her. They make me crazy with the way they fumble things over and over again. And then she ends up crying. I guess now I see why girls cry so much. It's because so many of us guys don't know what the hell we're doing and so we turn the girls all inside out and upside down without even realizing we've done it.
I say 'we' but the fact is that I don't include myself. I don't turn anyone anything at all. I'm the Invisible Man. I only exist in shadows and emails and even then only barely.
The long drive down the dark highway every Friday and Sunday nights used to relax me back when I did this same commute prior to getting married. But now it all just eats up my time. For 3 1/2 hours I sit behind the wheel of my vehicle trying to pretend the other cars aren't even there, flipping stations on the radio in search of something I can connect with somehow, sometimes actually singing along just to keep from going insane. It's twice a week, every week.
I've seen quite a few serious accidents along the way and more than my share of dead bodies. People crash at high speed out there and when they do their air bags and crumple zones don't seem to be doing them much good. Whatever the case, I pass on by, feeling rather numb to all the flashing lights and emergency personnel running around trying to pry the bodies from the cars.
The Obama jokes have already started. I've received a few in my email inbox and they made me laugh. I'd post them here, but Lord knows it would go wrong somehow and I wouldn't quite understand why. Anyway, I don't feel like blogging jokes at the moment.

Obama has chosen a former Clinton man and board member of his beloved Freddie Mac, "Rahm Emanuel, to be his main man. Obama received the third highest payoff from Mr. Emanuel of any of Freddie Mac's big political recipients, so it should come as no surprise. I guess if you love Freddie Mac and the lovely things it has done for our economy then this shouldn't seem in any way controversial. Who am I to say? Rahm is known as a bit of a psycho among the former Clinton staffers for the way he insisted in all seriousness that everyone who dared to oppose The Clintons was "dead" and then set out to destroy them all Waco-style.
Anyway, I have a lot of work to do. I'm way behind. Once again, I thought I had something more to say. It seems I really don't. Judging from the reception my comments from this weekend have been receiving, perhaps it's best that when I don't feel inspired I should just say nothing? I guess I'm all done here.
And now for an old video that has been running through my head for the past week or so and refuses to leave me alone ...
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