I've been sick for awhile now. I'm rather sick of it, being sick that is. People are starting to harass me about it. People from 9000 miles away are afraid they're going to catch my germs. I'd mail them my used Kleenex, but they won't give me an address. Smart people. I have no contact info for a single one of them.

The Press today is still going on and on about Obama. That's because all the Ladies of The Press want to have sex with him. I notice no one in The Press ever wanted to have sex with Sarah Palin, even though a lot of the voters as well as John McCain did. They also haven't said a word about Nancy Pelosi. Apparently no one wants to have sex with her either. She's a bit of a dragon lady. I suspect even the grrlz of The Press wouldn't be surprised if she pulled her mask off and revealed a horrible lizard face underneath, breathing fire and whatnot.

To The Press, aside from having their panties get all moist at the thought of a powerful man who doesn't have a gut, wears $10,000 Armani suits, and has the stereotypical assumption of a larger than average penis, there is the lure of 'change'. It's funny that every candidate running against an incumbent rarely has more to offer than that. Change is such a small and meaningless thing, and yet it wins at least half the time. "I offer you something other than what you currently have." The grass is always greener, don't you know? And people are forever gullible.

For The Press, 'change' means something to write about, something to put on the front page that might sell some papers before they go bankrupt, which many of them are. It means they themselves feel a little more excited about their jobs for awhile. So they embrace it simply because of the relief from mind-numbing boredom that it offers. They claim it's because the New Boy is black and that makes it exciting. They claim it's because the Old Boy is so awful that anyone at all would be better, and yet they rejected Hillary. They claim a lot of things, but if the truth were told, they probably don't know themselves why they do this every 8 years like clockwork.
Meanwhile, for the rest of us, life goes on. TV News anchors are all talking on and on about 'healing', making the assumption that the Marxist class-victim mentality they themselves embrace is embraced by all, as if the entire nation was wounded and now is made whole again because the new leader has a deep dark tan. As a viewer I find myself simply staring at them like a man on his lunchbreak encountering a homeless schizophrenic who rambles on about space men while wearing a shiny aluminum foil hat and no pants. Can't the grrlz of The Press ever think about anything else except race and sex? Did they honestly think Americans voted for a race, rather than a man or an ideology? Who does that? I mean, other than racists, sexists and Leftists in The Press.

The stock market has gone into free-fall. The Press thinks it's because the new president is black and everyone is a racist. It's all they can come up with since it's true of themselves and their own 401k accounts which they frantically withdrew just this morning. The truth is that whenever a socialist is elected president, everyone including other socialists pull their money out of the market and move it into cash. Then they ship it over to their Swiss bank accounts for safe keeping. People who are intelligent enough to make money on the markets are generally smart enough to read history books, too. History tells us very clearly what socialists do with hard-working people's money. Stealing is considering a virtue under socialism. Hard work is not. Jealousy and envy are the order of the day. Wisdom, restraint, and thrift are despised and punished.
So the market, as always, reflects the true feelings of the world's most powerful people. Even flaming communists like George Soros, while praising socialism with his mouth, are pulling money out of the market like mad with both hands. Socialists love to waste other people's money. But by God, don't you touch any of theirs.
I'm all right jack keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, it's a hit.
Don't give me that do goody good bullshit.
I'm in the high-fidelity first class traveling set
And I think I need a lear jet.
Money, its a crime.
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie.
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today.
But if you ask for a raise its no surprise that they're
Giving none away.
So, another day another blur of passing time. I'm still having to take cold medicine, but it fuzzes up my brain and makes it hard to concentrate. I can think well enough to wonder why I can't focus on my newest assignment, yet I can vomit out a new blog post. I suppose it's because a new assignment requires a deeper level of thought, a great deal more logic and reason, whereas writing on the blog is nothing more than the equivalent of sitting outside a pub shooting the shit. Oh sure, we like to think we're all so deep here, but really we're just a bunch of people hanging out, drinking and gossiping about things we know roughly half as much as we think we do. And the cold medicine, it's my alcohol. It doesn't make me feel happy. It just makes me walk a little sideways and need a nap.
Other interesting events in the news, buried beneath all the white grrlz trying to see who can shout the loudest that they LOVE the new half-black president, includes a very sorrowful article about California's rejection of redefining marriage to mean whatever someone wishes it to mean on any given day. Of course, they don't word it that way because it's too accurate. They call it a rejection of "marriage equality" which is false and a complete misdirection from the actual issue. There's not much cause for sorrow, though, on either side. The Political Playas behind this push already said years ago that they intend to keep on pushing, forcing TV networks to have more and more gay characters until the nation believes, quite incorrectly, that a huge percentage of the population is gay and in agony because they aren't married to other gay people. The plan is to push it and let the voters fight it out in the streets, rejecting it again and again, but each time a little less, with judges shoving it down their throats repeatedly until finally everyone just gets too tired to fight anymore and accepts it. It's textbook. In fact, it is indeed straight out of a book on how to manipulate large groups of people to accept things which they don't want. And it works. It will work. The votes of The People will be ignored by judges and the blurring of reality will continue until all pretense of democracy is gone and all that is left is a Nanny State. Another vote may or may not be allowed in the future. It was close enough this time, including all the vote fraud, that the next time it might pass. Either way, The Elitists get their way and The People get the shaft, thinking they have a voice, even as nothing in The Law reflects their view anymore. It's all a game, where wolves lead sheep around by their noses until such time as they feel the urge to devour them. Same as it ever was.

A far more interesting news story is about the attempt in San Francisco to legalize prostitution. The average citizen doesn't seem to care. It would seem almost a given that it would have passed. But to assume that is to misunderstand the importance of being able to claim that women 'as a class' are victims of men to The Feminist Machine. The female supremacist Marxists don't want prostitution legalized. Their arguments parallel and mimick The Church, and yet claim to be non-religious in nature and thus eligible for tax-payer funding. The simple fact is, there is money and power to be gained from portraying women who sell sex as victims, and men who buy sex as predators. The myth must be maintained at all costs. And so their enormous political machine made damn sure the legalization of prostitution did not pass in a city where only male customers are arrested while female prostitutes are watched over and protected by police, acting effectively as pimps with badges. The new church in town flexed its muscles and crushed the attempt to legalize sex between consenting adults. The uninformed will blame The Old Church, 'religious nuts' as they call them. Yes, it was religious nuts. But it was feminist nuts. Oftentimes people can't tell them apart, due to the similarly odd clothes, bad haircuts and frequent use of religious jargon in casual conversation.
Anyway, I thought I had more to say. There's plenty of news of interest. I'm just not feeling much like talking. Every night I call My Wife on the phone. "How was your day?" Every night it's the same. "My day was just like yesterday. I went to work. Same old thing. I came home. Not much on TV. I called you. That's about it. How was yours?"
I felt a lot better when I wasn't sick and could work out some. Maybe the lack of exercise is bringing me down? I read on another blog a woman describing a feeling of pain inside her, a feeling of faking it each day. I understand how she felt. But I can't exactly explain why. It's an ache that just seems to always be there. It's a problem without a solution, a pain for which there is no painkiller. I need something. I can't even remember now what it is. Perhaps I never knew?

Cheers, Big Ears!
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