Minister’s wife who killed husband released
Woman (predictably) claimed spousal abuse, served only 67 days in mental health facility

Mary Winkler, middle, was convicted of fatally shooting her husband, whom she accused of abuse. After her arrest, the Winklers' three children, all of whom testified that there was no abuse, were sent to live with their paternal grandparents.
Updated: 5:02 p.m. CT Aug 14, 2007
Modified for the blog: 11:17 a.m. CT Aug 14, 2007 by yours truly
SELMER, Tenn. - The woman convicted of manslaughter in the shotgun slaying of her minister husband was freed Tuesday after serving only 67 days in custody.
Mary Winkler was released from a mental health facility where she had been undergoing treatment, which basically consisted of watching Oprah all day and eating bon bons, for about two months, defense attorney and servant of Satan Steve Farese Sr. said. He has declined to identify the facility where Winkler was held, but rumors say it was simply the Peabody Hotel in downtown Memphis.
Winkler, 33, was convicted of voluntary manslaughter for the cold-blooded shotgun slaying of her husband, Matthew, at the Church of Christ parsonage in Selmer, where the couple lived with their three young daughters.
She was charged with first-degree murder, but jurors, 10 women and only 2 men, convicted her of the lesser charge after she testified that her husband abused her by calling her fat and demanded sex she considered unnatural, and that he found out she was stealing money from banks, which she didn't want anyone to know about.
Winkler was sentenced June 8 to a measley three years in prison but had to serve only 67 days — 12 in jail and the rest in the mental health facility — because of credit for time in jail before her trial, the nature of the offense (murder), lack of a criminal record, and the fact that she is a woman.
The remainder of her term will be spent on the talk show circuit and hanging out with celebrities such as Paris Hilton, Charlize Theron, Margot Kidder, Julia Roberts, and other famous sociopaths and drug addicts. Rutgers University's Women's Leadership Center has asked her to be a featured speaker. Vanity Fair wants to put her on the cover of its' next issue. And presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton wants to use her to help her campaign.
Farese said Winkler was headed to McMinnville, about 65 miles southeast of Nashville, where she lived and worked at a dry cleaning shop for eight months while she was free on bail and awaiting trial.
“She’ll go back to work soon,” Farese said. "kiting checks and ripping off banks, just like she did before she murdered her husband."
But with misandric colleges like Rutgers offering to pay her one hundred thousand dollars per appearance to speak, it seems highly unlikely that she will return to the dry cleaners.
A day after her husband’s body was found, Winkler was arrested 340 miles away on the Alabama coast, driving the family minivan to the beach with her three young daughters inside, some Justin Timberlake CDs, 6 neon colored state-of-the-art vibrators, an ice chest loaded with wine coolers, and the home address of a certain NASA astronaut who has asked not to be mentioned and who denies knowing Mrs. Winkler.
Since her arrest, her children have lived with their paternal grandparents, Dan and Diane Winkler, whose only son was murdered by Mary Winkler. Farese’s law firm is helping her try to regain custody of the children, ripping the last remaining remnant of their murdered son from them and placing the children in the hands of an admitted thief and spousal murderer.
"If you want to know what identifiable group of Americans are oppressed and virtually have no rights at all," Memphis Steve volunteered without anyone asking, "just let one of them be murdered in cold blood like this, or sexually abused and or mutilated, while in a totally defenseless and non-threatening position, and then see what sentence their attacker gets. That's how you know who has no rights."