Haven't actually seen this one
I had a horrible weekend. It started off well enough, we went to see the latest Harry Potter movie after going out to eat. It was pretty good and we were glad we saw it in the theater on the big screen.

The next afternoon we watched football. Kansas City played the New York Giants and it was a terrible game. The NY line was like a freakin' wall and KC couldn't get through.

That night we went to see "Chronicles of Narnia." It was OK, but there were some big holes in the story as presented in the film. During the big battle scene I couldn't help analyzing their strategy, or rather the apparent lack of it. They had a whole herd of rhinoceros and they just wasted them. They had them all scattered. In fact, all the different types of animals were scattered so that their strengths were diluted and wasted. It was dumb. If Peter, or whatever the oldest kid's name was, had any brains at all he would have put the rhinos into one squadron and focused their attack, using faster animals to protect them while he sent them plowing up the left side and all the way through until they came out the back. Then they could turn around and attack from the rear, with the enemy being caught in the middle. The rhinos were a dream. They had mass and armor and speed. He should have used them better. He was a poser - he couldn't fight worth shit. He just kept pointing his sword because he had no clue how to use it. Anyway, I'm sure it was all done that way by the filmmaker and probably is much better written in the book, but as I don't remember ever reading it all the way through I only have the film to go on.

The next day was more football. Indianapolis got beat by the Chargers. That really sucked. The Colts seemed intimidated from the very start, probably because of all the fan focus on the unbeaten record. The Chargers picked them apart early and then ran head-to-head with them when the Colts started to get it together late in the game. I was not happy about the Colts losing and I was not happy about Kansas City losing.
But oh, how much worse it got after that.

Immediately following the Colts' game the Cowboys played the Redskins. Or rather, they were supposed to, but apparently the Cowboys didn't show up. Only Drew Bledsoe was there. So it was Drew Bledsoe against the Washington Redskins. I watched the first half. I could see Dallas wasn't interested in playing so I got disgusted and turned it off. Yeah, that's right. I'm a Cowboys fan and I turned the game off during the 2nd quarter because they were so lousy. It was 7-0 at that point, but it wasn't hard to predict the outcome. Last I checked for an update on the score it was something like 35-0 and I think Drew was dead, but still on the field somewhere. I didn't watch any of the second half. Unless some miracle occurred I'm pretty sure Dallas lost by about 100-0. I don't even want to bother looking it up.
With me no longer watching the Cowboys at the Alamo My Wife turned the channel to some movie that was supposed to be funny. Right in the middle of it some supermodel kneed a guy she didn't know in the crotch because he was a lousy date for her friend. Yes, simply because he was a lousy date, not a rapist or a child molester, but just a lousy date. This was supposed to be funny and somehow heroic since she was the female hero, but it just made me instantly despise her. At that point I got up and left. That was about as funny and heroic to me as watching a teenage girl getting gang raped by Tookie and the Crips. Yeah, sexual assault is a real riot. Let's do all we can to encourage more of that. Oh wait, we already are.
Fuck that shit.
So I went into the bedroom to watch a DVD. The door that flips open for the DVD tray to slide out fell off when I hit 'eject' so I could put my movie in. While trying to put the door back on I broke off part of it. Not that it was likely to go back on anyway, but now it's pretty much a done deal. And this just made me SO MUCH HAPPIER.
I watched the first five minutes of the movie, only to find I just really wasn't in the mood, and I turned it off.
I spent the rest of the evening sorting through crap in my office and throwing most of it away.
That night I had nightmares until about 3 a.m. Then I lay awake in bed thinking about work and Memphis and how much I want to leave here until My Wife's alarm went off at 6:30 that morning.
Yeah, that was my fucking weekend. And in 2 days I get to go to the Mother-In-Law's house for Christmas. Yee-fucking-ha.
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