Since it's Saturday and few people are going to read my blog on the weekend anyway I thought perhaps I'd take this opportunity to vent a little more. Plus, this just happened last night and it really ticked me off.
I mentioned being stressed, right? I mentioned work being a problem? Well, the powers-that-be at the company where I work have arranged to make everything twice as hard as it should be for no good reason.
I have to support applications 7 days a week, year round. To do this I have to remote in to my PC from home at night and on weekends. Obviously, in order for me to do that my PC at work has to be working. That means it must be up and running.
On top of needing it running 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for support reasons, I also have a ton of things to keep up with. This means I have a zillion applications I have to keep open on my PC. It takes forever to open them all back up again and again. I need them every day, so I keep them open. I have so many things I need to keep open that windows puts an arrow at the bottom of the screen so I can scroll down through all the applications. I have 3 rows at the bottom of my screen of applications that I need up. I kid you not.
Add to this the fact that some applications will corrupt or delete a file if they are unexpectedly shut down with that file open.
Now, last night at 2 a.m. I was working. Yeeha, I'm so excited about that. While I was working I noticed a little icon that didn't belong to anything I recognized. So I clicked it. It opened a little yellow window that said "Company X has pushed a file to your computer and will shut it down in 50 minutes." It had a little timer counting down, like a terrorist bomb about to go off.
Yes, so I look for the button to choose the option, "No, don't shut it down. I'm working, dumbass!"
There is no such option. They're just slamming my PC and making absolutely no allowances for the people who have to work at 2 a.m. on a Friday night. Am I thrilled to be working at 2 a.m. on a Friday night? Hell no! Does it make it even harder when the assholes are slamming my computer off in the middle of all that? Hell yes!
Sooooooo, seeing as they were going to slam me no matter what I did I tried to be smart about it and shut down all my applications one by one for myself so that none of my files would get corrupted or deleted.
I watched the computer shut down.
I was able to start it back up because they had 'restarted' rather than just 'shutdown' the PC. I worked some more and then went to bed.
This morning I remoted to my PC again to see how things ran last night. Guess what I found?
The motherfuckers had shutdown my computer AGAIN!!!! Why would you need to fuck my PC twice in one night? How is anyone supposed to support anything late at night or on weekends when the company demanding this unpaid level of support from you is constantly slamming your PC?
And here is what really pisses me off, I have put in problem tickets over and over about my PC being shut off when I come in on Monday mornings, causing corrupt files and deleted files and preventing me from supporting my applications as needed. The PC support team has looked and looked to try to find out what was causing these random shutdowns.
They found nothing.
This is because the ASSHOLES who push these patches and shut down our computers don't answer to anyone. They also don't issue any warnings to let anyone know ahead of time. They also don't do this to all PCs uniformly throughout the company. They just pick a few and slam them whenever they feel the urge, so when you find your PC is fucked up and ask the person across from you if the same thing happened to theirs, more often than not it did not. It's just you, making it all that much harder to figure out what happened. And the PC support team who is tagged with fixing your problem has no idea what happened because the Pushers haven't told them and won't tell them when they ask about it. If I hadn't been up and trying to get some work done I wouldn't have seen the little warning dialogue telling me that Team Asshole was going to slam my PC. And even then it didn't say anything about slamming it twice. So even when I tried to roll with it they still managed to fuck me.
And you know that dialogue wasn't intended to be seen, not when it doesn't come up until 2 a.m. and then goes away when the PC is shutdown, with nothing but chaos and destruction left behind to tell you that anything happened.
Yeah, I need a new job. I don't like working anywhere that has a group that answers to no one and yet affects everyone, a group that refuses to communicate anything that they are doing and even lies about it when asked.
I mean, besides Human Resources.
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