We temporarily interrupt this DEAR MEMPHIS funfest to bring you the following obligatory meme. This is a meme. This is only a meme. Do not adjust your set. Do not pass Go and collect $200. While we play this game, please continue to send your problems to DEAR MEMPHIS as requested in the previous post.
Madeline tagged me for this international orgy, er, meme. I'll get her back for this someday, but for now I will submit like a proper slave. Ooh, whip me beat me!
These are the rules:-
1) Link to the person who tagged me.
2) Mention the rules.
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself.
4) Tag six other blogger´s by linking to them.
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged.
Here are my replies:-
1. I can't do a straight up meme without being a smartass unless I'm just really depressed or tired. I don't know why. I guess I fall asleep before I can finish it if I don't make it entertaining for myself somehow.
2. I hate wearing watches and rings and jewelry in general. I frequently take off my watch and leave it places or, when there is nowhere to put it down, I switch it from wrist to wrist all day long.
3. I am slightly ambidextrous due to masturbation fatigue and necessity. Also, my family's DNA seems to be rather ambiguous about 'handedness', as the preferred hand alternated with each child born to my parents, giving them a rightie, a leftie, a rightie, a leftie and then finally me, who can cop a feel with either hand equally well.
4. I used to be painfully shy, especially around hot girls with big hooters. Now I slip money into their G-strings and call them 'baby' while they climb on me like a jungle gym and pretend to love me.
5. I can't seem to write anything without wandering off-topic for several paragraphs and then somehow falling back onto the original topic almost as if by accident. In face-to-face conversations, though, I'm to-the-point and no bullshit and I prefer the same in return. I hate when someone is telling me something and wanders off in the middle of it to talk about some unrelated crap for 5 minutes. I've nearly strangled people for this before.
6. I have ugly crooked toes. I'm so ashamed. Don't look at me. I'm hideous!
Now I tag the following victims:-
Elvis Presley
Marilyn Monroe
Jim Morrison
John Wayne
Jimi Hendrix
James Dean
I can't wait to see their answers!
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with the title Quirky Quirks - A quick Meme. You can bookmark this page URL https://thebohemianbunny.blogspot.com/2008/08/quirky-quirks-quick-meme.html. Thanks!