For our public officials, who see no reason to be concerned that many of our police departments are increasingly casual about routinely targeting the genitals of average male citizens in a rising tide of sexual violence and torture that makes it difficult to tell the good guys from the bad, and for everyone else who doesn't see why it matters just so long as it never happens to them:
"In a society where anything goes, eventually everything will."
G.K. Chesterton - writer
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
Albert Einstein - physicist
"No man is entirely worthless; he can always serve as a bad example."
Brian Oldfield - Olympic shot putter
For all the feminist teachers who spend at least half of every school day spewing their hatred of males onto the boys in their classrooms, and then wonder why they don't perform better than they do:
"We live by encouragement and die without it - slowly, sadly, angrily."
Celeste Holm - actress
For all the filmmakers and television executives who can't figure out where their audience went:
"A market is never saturated with a good product, but it is very quickly saturated with a bad one."
Henry Ford - industrialist
And perhaps a prediction of hope for the future:
"There is no coming to consciousness without pain."
Carl Jung - psychiatrist
We've certainly got the pain thing down pat. We're all experts at inflicting the worst pain on our brothers these days. Do you think it might one day lead us to something better? Or will this cultural and moral slide continue into oblivion? Only God knows, I guess, and he isn't talking.
And finally, for myself, because there is really nothing that I can do about most of the big picture issues that are concerning me so much:
"Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive."
Bugs Bunny - cartoon character
One of the co-discoverers of DNA had been censored for saying out loud that evidence suggests humans of European descent tend to have higher intelligence than descendents of African descent. He said it is a shame that so many of our social policies are based on the idea that everyone's intelligence is the same, which it is not. His statements drew immediate hissy fits from politicians and political activists who make their living by claiming that all differences between the two groups is the result of discrimination by the European descendents.
Feminists at the Rutgers Women's Leadership Institute have concluded that feminists have more fun and are happier than everyone else. Their 'study' consisted of calling up Rutgers students on the phone, all of whom had to pass the feminist board of admissions before being admitted, and asking them. They also called former Rutgers students. They concluded that because everyone at Rutgers thinks feminism is awesome, it really must be awesome. These are the same women, it should be pointed out, who cried and fainted when Don Imus referred to them as "nappy headed hos". It should also be pointed out that Hillary Clinton is running for President of the United States and there will be much more of this feminist political and religious propaganda in the coming months, so brace yourselves.
Researchers from a university that is not Rutgers have determined that swearing at work could, in the right circumstances, foster solidarity among employees and express frustration, stress or other feelings.
The progressive feminists in Maine have succeeded in spreading feminist happiness to a whole new level, inspiring 17 pregnancies among its' three middle schools in the past four years. In order to ... um ... celebrate this great feminist milestone, they have decided to begin prescribing birth control pills to all middle school girls without parental consent or permission. In fact, parents aren't allowed to be informed at all due to feminist law which prohibits parents from knowing anything about the sex lives of their own female children. The Portland school board made this decision without any input from parents. The only dissenting votes came from men on the board. The Board says "a full range of contraception will be made available", presumably meaning that the 'morning after' pill and other abortion-related options will be presented without parental notification or consent, but without the ugly hassle of flat out saying it.

Portland school head nurse Amanda Rowe
She knows better than you how to raise your children
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