When women rule the world
Why do women love drama so? Men love football and beer and women love drama. I don't understand this. Sally Field recently screamed at a useless awards show that "when women rule the world there won't be any more fucking wars." This moronic rant had absolutely nothing to do with anything at the show. It just came spewing out of her like mental vomit. She's a delusional feminist idiot, obviously, and she craves drama.
I offer you the following examples to support my claim:
Sting in tail as wife sends scorpions in mail
A crazed Philippino wife was angry with her husband for reasons only she knows, so she stuffed scorpions and poisonous spiders into a package of shorts and underwear and sent them for him to wear. Customs officials had to inspect the package and a woman was nearly killed by the deadly contents as a result. No arrests have been made.
Police: N.J. Woman Drives Over Husband 'Several Times'
A 60-year-old abusive wife ran over the husband who was divorcing her several times before taking off and leaving him to die. Police are issuing warnings to men, "never marry a New Jersey woman. They're all bitches." No arrests have been made.
Woman hits husband and drives half a mile with him on car
A Minnesota woman hit her husband with their car and then drove for half a mile with him on the car as their 9-year-old sat horrified in the front seat and watched the whole thing. The woman then hit the brakes and threw him into the road before speeding off. After being arrested her attorney claims she's the "real victim."
And just for good measure:
Women worry more
Two studies seem to indicate that females worry more than males, confusing the past with the future and not forgiving or forgetting any real or perceived wrongs. This provides endless sources of jokes for comedianes and endless sources of frustration and despair for husbands and boyfriends.
I was just watching videos of real life fights yesterday and I noticed something interesting. When normal males fight, they always assume that there are certain rules of decency and that these rules should not be broken unless absolutely necessary. When normal females fight, there are no rules and anything that can be kicked, clawed, gouged, or ripped off most certainly will be. Worst of all, when a boy and a girl fight, the boy will play by the rules while the girl is kicking him in the groin over and over as her friend holds him from behind. Only after having his testicles punted into oblivion and breaking free from the girl restraining him will he kick the bitch back in the cooter once or twice before running away in an agonized rage. And when it's all over, the girl will not cry or scream as if somehow upset. No, she will fuss with her hair, making sure it's straight and fabulous for the video camera. Her friend, the accomplice who held the boy so she could sexually annihilate him, will come and help her straighten her hair. Then they will both go shopping as if nothing happened. I'm not making this up. It's in the videos I just linked to.
Men think there are rules. Women don't follow rules. Men who teach "self defense for women" classes where they show women the worst possible things that can be done to a man, and only to a man, and then lecture, "this is for life and death self-defense only" are total idiots. They think they're talking to men. All the women hear is, "if you attack a man or boy here it will hurt him so badly his eyes will explode in his head and blood will spew from his ears." That's good enough for them. The very first time they get pissed off after learning that, you can bet your grandma's favorite panties that this is the very first thing they're going to do.

I guess we're breaking up?
Men, meanwhile, assume that because the woman did something horrific that no reasonable man would ever do, then she must have had a good reason. So they let the women off the hook. Sometimes, just so they can maintain their illusions about women as angels, they'll grab the guy who just got blinded, crippled and castrated and blame him. "You must have done something to deserve it because women are all angelic beings with perfect breasts who never hurt anyone, you bastard! Case dismissed."
Sometimes men have even been dug up from their graves just so they could be blamed for their own murders.
Idiots. Men are just idiots. I hate to say it, but it appears to be true. We think we're logical and objective, but when it comes to women we've got stars in our eyes and air in our heads. And increasingly, a lot of painful swelling and bruising all over our bodies, especially in our pants.

'Love' and Dating in the United States
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