Democrats view Republicans as greedy, considering the Republicans capitalistic, market-oriented views to be sinful and immoral. Democrats also despise Republicans views on the importance of individual rights as being selfish and unfair. Republicans view Democrats as being obsessed with power and see Democrats endless and usually ruthless quest for more power to be evidence of a personality disorder. Democrats are fond of labeling those they dislike and are fond of referring to Republicans as "the religious right." Republicans view the Democrats worship of power and control to be a fanatical and intolerant evangelical religious cult which they call socialism or sometimes communism.
Democrats traditionally engage in "us vs them" politics. They divide Americans into those who vote for Democrats as a group and those who don't. Those who vote for Democrats as a group are rewarded when Democrats attain power. Democrats enjoy taking the wealth and property of those who earned it but did not support Democrats quest for power and giving it to those who did not earn it, but who typically vote for Democrats. Democrats call this "social justice" or "redistribution of wealth" while Republicans call it "stealing", "cronyism", "bribery" and "vote buying." Republicans traditionally engage in "taxpayers vs moochers" politics. They divide Americans into those who pay the taxes that provide government services and entitlements and those who take everything offered and give back nothing in return. This practice only works well as long as the people paying taxes understand how government actually works and know that anything provided from the government is never free, but always paid for by those who pay taxes. Democrats frequently take advantage of this knowledge weakness among average citizens by offering select groups of voters "free" gifts, or bribes, in exchange for their votes, such as birth control or cell phones or even houses. Once elected, the Democrats then raise the taxpayers taxes to pay for the "free" birth control, cell phones, houses, etc and force all taxpayers to pay the actual cost of the "free" items, plus the cost of government overhead which greatly exceeds the cost of simply buying the good or service on the free market.
Republicans traditionally appeal to the middle class by indicating that they understand the burdens of being a worker and taxpayer and raising a family. Republicans offer to help reduce those burdens by lowering taxes. Often they further attempt to motivate their voting base by promising to reduce costly government handouts to non-workers, non-taxpayers and non-citizens. After all, it is disastrous to lower taxes without reducing the costs associated with government. Democrats traditionally appeal to the lower class and upper class by indicating that they "feel your pain" and sympathize with the poor people's frustration at being poor and the rich people's feelings of guilt at being rich. They promise to make the poor richer by taking the wealth of the middle class and giving it to the poor, thus creating more poor people and more Democrats at the same time. This simultaneously assuages the guilt of the rich by telling them that they will be paying more taxes to help the poor. Ironically, rich Democrats in Congress and the White House are infamous for not paying any taxes at all even though it is a violation of the law not to pay taxes. Democrats further redistribute the nation's wealth to the lower classes by creating and then steadily expanding more and more government agencies and programs that give money, food, etc to select groups of people at the expense of taxpayers. In order to fund this mass transfer of wealth, Democrats always raise taxes.
Democrats always spend more money than the government takes in from taxes. This is called operating on a deficit, or deficit spending. Ordinary people simply call it spending money you don't have. Republicans typically focus on reducing the deficit while Democrats focus on printing money as fast as possible and spending it even faster than it can be printed.
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Money defying power |
Republicans believe that money can solve most problems and that power can be attained through the mere possession of money. Democrats believe that power can solve any problem and that money, and most anything else, can be attained through the acquisition of power. In the 1990s when Bill Clinton was president, he and his wife, Hillary, were brought to trail for various crimes and misdeeds which they were alleged to have committed. Their possession and usage of power shielded them from any consequences from their actions, legal or illegal. They were brought to trial many times for many criminal actions, but never once did they suffer the slightest consequence. Power protected them and they were able to go on to maintain their power year after year. Hillary is today the Secretary of State, having not left power since arriving in Washington DC in the early 1990s. Also in the 1990s, the Clintons requested monetary donations of one of the richest men in the world, Bill Gates. Bill Gates refused the Clintons demands for political donations and was subsequently forced to testify in a hearing in which he and his company were charged with numerous misdeed for which there was no evidence. Bill Gates assumed that because he possessed great wealth, that he also possessed great power. He behaved in his trial exactly as the Clintons had both behaved in their many trials. He claimed not to remember things and argued over the definition of "is" just as Bill and Hillary Clinton had done. Yet as the trial went on, it quickly became apparent that Mr. Gates was going to be punished despite not having done anything wrong. Further, his company was going to be split into 3 parts not only to hurt him for refusing to give money to the Clintons, but also as a message to other wealthy men like himself who might mistakenly believe that the mere possession of wealth gave them power and influence. Mr. Gates, at that time the richest man in the world, was ultimately forced to submit to the Clintons, at that time the most powerful people in the world, and give them lots of money, plus submit to their religious socialist worldview in his future endeavors. Mr. Gates did so, and left his own company in order to prevent any future political backlash against him from destroying his life's work, Microsoft, and causing its destruction. In the years since, he has given large sums of money to causes the Clintons approve of.
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Power crushing money |
Nero - Emperor of Rome |
These are my thoughts on the subject of power versus money, Democrats versus Republicans, truth versus "any means necessary." Now I'm curious to know yours. What do you think? Does money equate to power, or does power equate to money?
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