Now, on to today's random comments about ... today. First of all, my laptop is crawling slower than a smart car climbing the Rocky Mountains. I don't know why. It just seems to be doing something else. Maybe I have a virus or some malware using my computer to generate fraudulent votes in Ohio or something.
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Rock You like a hurricane! |
The news is filled with poll results. Every 5 minutes there is another story featuring another poll result saying Obama is winning, or Romney has pulled ahead, or its neck-and-neck. Sometimes there are two polls that come out at the same time saying totally opposite things - one has Obama ahead by a mile, the other has Romney. Making it all even worse are the constant barrage of ads, almost exclusively for Obama, at least around here. The most annoying one yet features Morgan Freeman describing our nation as being in the worst shape of its entire history following George Bush's final term, as if we had The Great Depression and World Wars I and II all at once and now we're just a shadow of our former selves all because of that damn Bush and the ... oops, Democrat Congress that helped him do it all. The ads don't mention that last part, though. Or the Community Restoration Act that kicked the entire economic disaster off in the first place, with a whole lot of help from a racist Department of Justice and the Congressional Black Caucus, of course.
Just so you don't think this Libertarian is madly in love with the policies of Bush, in case you didn't read me back when he was President, I'd like to say, once again, that I did not like his weak dollar economic policies, his ethanol mandate, several of his advisers, several other unspecified policies, and I never felt like he gave us a straight answer about why we were in Afghanistan. And his father, from what I can tell, was worse.
By the way, in the 5 minutes it took for me to write the last 2 paragraphs I saw Obama's Morgan Freeman ad 3 times. I am not joking.
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Violent sex offender? |
The United Nations is trying to make it a crime to deny global warming. They aren't the only ones. Left-wing "true believers" in various Western governments are trying to do the same, including some members of the US Congress. These are the same 'progressives' who say that religion is for 'reactionaries' and 'regressives' and who make degogatory comments about fools who cling to their god and their guns. These comments critical of religious people who cling to religious faith and weapons are only in reference to Christians in America, while the Leftists making the comments continue celebrating militant Muslims armed with AK47s and nuclear missiles, insisting that theirs is a religion of 'peace.'
When is a bomb not a bomb? When Muslim terrorists use it to blow up Americans. And even if it is a bomb, it isn't the fault of the Muslims who built it, planted it, or detonated it. No, it's the fault of the Christians they blew up. They were "asking for it." So says the American Left and our news muslims, er, media.
The "Help, I've fallen and can't get up" Life Alert ad is so loud it scares the shit out of my cats. We can have the TV volume turned as low as possible, because it's late and we're getting ready to go to sleep, and that damn ad still blasts us like an air horn. I swear if I ever meet the people responsible for that ad I'm going "assault an officer" like that gay asshole in Dallas did until they promise to get rid of that fucking ad or at least reduce the volume.
Morgan Freeman's Obama ad, fourth time tonight. Seriously, shut the fuck up or run a different ad. Everyone and their dog has seen this one 100 times already. It doesn't become more convincing if you just show it enough times.
So, is it my imagination or are the Dallas Cowboys the same mega-force that they were last season? They're so good that they beat the living crap out of every opponent, and then they beat the living crap out of themselves just for good measure, handing the game to the other team on a silver platter out of the goodness of their hearts. Awesome guys. Just awesome. You do realize that 6 turnovers is an impossible obstacle to overcome, right? I mean, even with that you nearly did it because you're just so amazingly good, but not quite. No, you came up one finger too short in what would have been the most amazing comeback I've ever seen. It's those turnovers, boys. They're killing you.
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Yay, quit turning over that ball, please! |
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The dead have voted in every Memphis election |
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Joe Biden - curious about your son's balls |
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Skyfall - is it mostly about Bond or M? |
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Cleo the Hurricane /
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