On most of the black networks and in black magazines and newspapers, the story was told somewhat differently. Red was said to be free from charges simply because she is white and her victim black. Wolf was merely an innocent bystander killed by some crazy white bitch. Same as it ever was.
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Another ordinary night in Memphis |
But the black liberation agitators were hard at work, fueled by the knowledge that this is an election year and their president, Barack Obama, has not exactly been flying high these last three and a half years. The various leaders of certain key black liberation 'civil rights' organizations had all been called to a hasty meeting in New York City by billionaire political puppetmaster George Soros. In their meeting, at the Waldorf Astoria no less, Mr Soros reminded the various agitators that President Obama had given them a great deal of their personal wealth through his role in the subprime mortgage extortion racket over the past many years, and most recently he had arranged for the white people to pay for all their health care for life. Every person in the room except Mr Soros himself was currently living in a house literally given to them at no cost to themselves by various banks under threat of violent arrest and prosecution by the DOJ for charges of racism. Barack Obama, first as an agitator, then as a US Senator, and now as president, had a major role in making all that happen. Mr Soros knew the importance of reminding the room of this.
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"You OWE this president" |
The audience listened intently and obediently. George Soros was their bread and butfter. His billions had purchased the loyalty of every single one of them and they knew it. He owned them just like he owned Barack Obama. He was a true-life king-maker.
In East St Louis the marchers had no signs. So they carried baseball bats and crowbars instead and used them to smash windows and rob stores. There simply weren't any white people to beat up because no white people live in East St Louis. Looting was the only protest they could offer. The media didn't cover the story.
In Houston, Texas, a black protest march began with nearly 1,000 marchers, but because of the summer heat the march quickly died out and everyone went home to cool off. It's tough to march when it's 105 degrees with 80 percent humidity outside. No one, it seemed, was quite angry enough to march in Houston in July. The media covered the beginning of the march, when the crowd looked impressive and angry, but didn't mention that everyone left after about 10 minutes of sweating in the heat.
In Detroit, black protesters are practically the only people still living in the city. There is no one else anymore. So they simply set the city on fire, which they do every year anyway, and watched it burn. But because it happens every year it wasn't considered newsworthy.
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Al |
Marches and protests sprang up repeatedly over the next few days in city after city, always demanding the arrest and execution of Red Riding Hood. The New Black Panthers, a black supremacist hate group, put a bounty on Red Riding Hood's life offering $50,000 to anyone who killed her.
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Kill her! |
At 2 a.m. Memphis director of police, Tony Armada, was awakened by the ringing of his telephone. He fumbled for the lamp beside his bed and turned on the light. "What the fuck is this shit?" he cursed as he looked at his caller id. "202 area code? I don't know any ... oh hell," he said as he realized the area code was from Washington, DC. "Ahem" he cleared his throat and sat up in bed. "Hello, this is Tony Armada. Who is this?"
"Tony, this is US Attorney General Eric Holder. I know I'm calling pretty late, but I've been in a meeting about a certain civil rights case in your district and I am so upset by what I'm hearing that I simply couldn't wait until the morning to call you. I hope that's OK with you." Mr Holder said, calmly, yet with an obvious lack of empathy in his tone that made Tony feel just a bit threatened. "Is that OK with you, Tony?"
"Yes, yes, of course, sir. That's fine." Tony stammered as respectfully as he could. "What seems to be the trouble and how can I help you?"
"The trouble is that an innocent and unarmed black man was gunned down by a bourgeois capitalist pig white girl in your city. She isn't even old enough to legally carry concealed or, for that matter, own a handgun at all and yet you have not seen fit to arrest and charge that bitch for an obviously racially motivated murder. That's the trouble. You want to help me, Tony? Do you? Then arrest that fucking whore who killed our brother."
"I will go absolutely arrest her if you say she should be arrested, Mr Holder, sir, but it won't do any good as long as the prosecutor says she hasn't committed a crime that he can prosecute. He already reviewed this case and ...."
"I've already spoken with the prosecutor," Holder interrupted, "and assisted him in understanding this case better. Don't you worry about no prosecutor, Tony. I've got the judge all lined up, too, so it's all good to go. know what I mean? We're good to go. All we need is the girl. Go get me that fucking white girl." the Attorney General demanded.
"Yes sir, I will do it, sir." Tony replied.
Early the following morning, as Red was walking in the front doors to her school, Memphis police surrounded her and placed her under arrest. The charge: racially motivated homicide, a federal hate crime.
A bail hearing was held that afternoon and bail was set at $1,000,000. Red's father called his broker, went deep into debt, and came up with the money. He whisked his little girl off to home as fast as he could and kept her there, not even allowing her to go to school or leave their property for any reason. He had begun to suspect the political power play that was taking place, with his little girl at the center, and he was very afraid of what was coming next. No justice would ever comes from this, of that he was certain.
Meanwhile, network news blared the story on every channel - "Red Riding Hood Arrested for Murder!" The mobs of black protesters celebrated in the streets, alternately screaming "we will overcome!" and "kill the white bitch!" In Washington, DC, in the White House Oval Office, President Obama and his advisers, including Attorney General Eric Holder, talked over their strategy.
"We're going to drag this trial out for the rest of this year, understand?" President Obama demanded. "We're going to make this trial the headline of every paper, the lead story of every news program, and the ONLY story right up until election day. There's not going to be any interest in the economy or unemployment or my health care legislation or the guns we gave to Mexican drug lords that they used to kill American police officers with or anything at all except THIS STORY, got it? We're going to make that clear to the news outlets who are favorable to us, just in case they don't get it already, and we're going to refuse to answer questions relating to anything else." Everyone nodded that they understood.
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Hillary has other plans |
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The President is betrayed |
Hillary Clinton's widespread and powerful lesbian network had been busily calling radical female supremacist groups all across the nation ever since the news of Red Riding Hood's arrest hit the airwaves, instructing them to "get out on the streets and march RIGHT NOW! Protest the arrest of Red Riding Hood. This is Hillary's big chance to push Obama aside and take the Presidency that was rightfully hers in the first place. Now is the time to act!"
And then things began to unravel.
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eric holder /
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George Soros /
hillary clinton /
Little Red Riding Hood /
President Obama
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