What do you say to a woman who spent her entire life doing right according to the Bible and the Church and what everyone says is the righteous life, and it all turns out for shit? What do you say to her after she spent her youth saving her virginity for marriage, while her mother poisoned every relationship she ever had, including with her friendships, and isolated her, using her as a personal servant and even taking her money she brought home from a job so that she couldn’t buy anything for herself? Now she’s old and never-married, never had sex, never had a life, and her mentally twisted and evil mother is dying, naturally taking this golden opportunity to lay a final blast of guilt and blame on her loyal and righteous Christian child before finally saying ‘goodbye’? What do you say to the child of an extreme narcissist who manipulated, controlled and ultimately destroyed her life so that now she is somewhere between middle-aged and elderly herself and yet has never lived at all? Do you tell her that God will bless her? Bless her when? Bless her how? What possible blessing could make up for the curse that has been her life, now effectively over?
What do you say to a man who spent his youth doing right according to the Bible and the Church, not having sex until marriage, only to find himself married to a manipulative, controlling and unloving woman who denies him sex at every turn simply because she sees how badly it hurts him? What do you say to a man who didn’t drink or smoke or do drugs with his friends because it was ‘wrong’ and now his life is a nightmare of manipulation and failure, while his wild partying friends are all doing well and living high, many of them rich and successful with reasonably happy marriages and families? What do you say to him after his own parents manipulated and controlled him, wrecking his life and sending him down a path he never had the slightest interest in or ability for? Do you tell him he obviously married a woman just like his mother? Do you tell him that God will bless him one day, far from today, in some way that we can’t even imagine because things look so black now that it is hard to see any hope of light? What do you tell a man whose entire life looks like one big curse?
What do you say to a man born into slavery, who never did a thing wrong to deserve such a fate, raised in slavery, praying all his life to be free, growing old as a slave and dying as a slave, never free to live and never truly alive? Do you tell him that God will reward him in some weird and useless way that is of no value to anyone? Do you promise him seven vestal virgins when he reaches Heaven?
What do you say to the people who grew up in homes where they were instructed to follow what is right according to the Church, only to spend their entire lives never living, who look back to realize that they were never blessed in any form or fashion? Do you tell them that they’ll just have to wait until they’re dead to see if God is going to do anything good for them? Do you promise them golden crowns in a heavenly world after they have turned to dust? Do you tell them to just keep waiting?
What do you say to a man filled with despair who opens the Bible and sees where it says that God created us all out of dust and then just left us here and went away? Do you tell him that we are to sit here and wait, knowing that for several thousand years no one has seen or heard any sign of God, but surely he’s coming back one day so we should continue to just sit here and wait our lives away staring at the Heavens?
What do you say to the man who has lost his faith? What do you say to the man with no hope?
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The incident was recorded on video and posted to YouTube by a man who witnessed the entire confrontation. In the video, the cop can be seen aiming his shotgun at the wheelchair bound man's groin the entire time, while the man holds a knife and sits in his wheelchair in the middle of the street. After the man complies with the police officer's orders to drop the knife, THEN the officer fires two shots from his shotgun, one into each testicle.
The man videoing the incident says, "What the fuck?! That was unnecessary!" He is outraged, as any decent citizen would be at seeing such a blatant violation of the public sense of decency. Sexual assault and possible castration using a deadly weapon is nearly impossible to justify under any circumstance, let alone when used twice in a row against a man in a wheelchair who has complied with police orders and thrown his weapon away. Yet over the past 20 years or so, government law enforcement agencies across the nation, local and federal, have increasingly used military combat techniques of sexual assault and castration freely and without any restraint against their own citizens, the ones they are supposedly sworn to "serve and protect".
More and more libertarian organizations are protesting this rise in the militarization of the police, exposing the steady increase in police use of deadly combat techniques against ordinary citizens who are clearly not enemy combatants professionally trained to fight and kill.
The tired excuse given by lawmakers is that police abuse of the citizens basic human rights and violations of the public sense of decency in the form of sexual assaults, tortures and castrations "saves lives" and therefore cannot possibly be wrong.
The police excuse is always that the police overuse of force, coupled with genital torture and sexual assaults that simply cannot be excused under the circumstances in which they are committed, is justified in order to "minimize the risk of injury to the officers themselves".
In other words, now that we have a smaller, more feminized police force, that police force must increase its use of cruelty and abuse of power because too many of the new smaller, weaker cops might sprain a shoulder or pull a muscle. Most of our new more-politically correct officers simply aren't capable of dealing with ordinary American citizens without castrating them first, preferably from 20 feet away using a gun of some sort, often against an unarmed and frequently nonviolent schoolboy or stumbling drunk old man.
I made a one-line comment on the internet about the obvious injustice of this. And the response I received was all too typical.
"If you do what the police tell you to then they won't have to shoot you in the balls."
I want to examine a few of the many reasons why the people who respond to abuse of power and tyranny in this way are idiots. And you tell me if I'm right or wrong, OK?
1) This point-of-view assumes that every police officer is always in the right under any and all circumstances, and that anyone who merely questions this assumption is deserving of a very public cruel and unusual punishment of the exact sort the ancient Roman Empire used in order to terrorize male subjects into submission, and of the exact sort our Founding Fathers expressly prohibited, having seen how it lends itself to tyranny and cannot exist in the absence of tyranny. Even the average police veteran does not hold this view, as they have seen for themselves far too many bad cops and abuses of power.
2) This point-of-view assumes that we are subjects, not citizens whose opinions and collective sense of decency is the basis for all laws and all authority granted to law enforcement, especially laws governing sexual crimes and sexual violence. And that is wrong.
3) This point-of-view places all power and authority in the hands of a very small and heavily armed group of fellow citizens, giving them more power over the life and liberty of every other citizen than even our courts and President have. And it allows no means of limiting that power or objecting to its abuse. After all, if you object, you can simply be shot in the balls and possibly killed by your very public castration and subsequent rapid blood loss. What better way to silence those who dare to question a tyrant? It worked for Caesar and it worked for Saddam Hussein, so it must be good enough for America, too.
My father used to say with a laugh that we here in The South give the police "a little leeway" to abuse criminals in order to get the job done. He was only referring to police brutality directed at black people, by the way, but as he at that time did not really view black people as human beings, he did not see how applying a cattle prod to a man's testicles or stripping him naked and beating him to death in his front yard in front of his children and neighbors simply for not doing what he was told as quickly as the officer felt he should might be a problem. As long as the abuse of police authority and power was limited to "those people" and did not affect us, that meant it was OK.
My father eventually changed his views on this after he retired from the Government and began studying the Christian Bible. Once he began to see every human being AS a human being, he no longer felt that such abuses were acceptable or excusable. Studying the Bible and subsequently seeing all people as human beings also seemed to open my father's eyes to the fact that no one should ever have the authority or power to so blatantly violate our most basic of human rights, because what is done to a few of us may eventually be done to all of us if we don't fight this evil as soon as it arises like the aggressively growing cancer that it is.
For the most influential organizations in the United States, I can only theorize why they all remain silent as this steady increase in sexual violence against males spreads and grows. But the one that puzzles me the most, the one that has remained totally and completely silent throughout all of this in violation of their own principals, is the Christian Church.
The Bible itself makes clear that God instructs all who follow him to view violence directed at the genitals as an abomination, an act without excuse, and that those who engage in this sort of sexual violence should be shown no mercy. That this is even mentioned at all in the Bible, and in such harsh terms, should be reason enough for anyone who claims to be a Christian or an Orthodox Jew to protest this type of abuse and demand that it be dealt with extremely harshly under the law. And yet despite warnings from experts on sexual violence declaring that we have an exploding epidemic with consequences that will hurt us all in the long run, The Church has said not one single thing.
There is no excuse for that.
It must be OK if the police do it
I do want to clarify that I don't hate cops in general. We have to have cops. But I do hate much of the training and instruction they are receiving these days which either encourages or flat out instructs many of them to do cowardly, despicable and inexcusable things in circumstances that simply cannot justify those actions. For example, the Delaware County sheriff's department, in Philadelphia, instructed all their deputies to aim their "less than lethal" weapons, such as the Taser, at the groins of men whenever possible. They are currently in court over this because one outraged male victim has sued.
I do hate lawmakers who refuse to do anything about this exploding problem when it is brought to their attention. And I hate lawyers whose only concern is minimizing the chances of a costly lawsuit, and thus instruct the use of despicable acts which so emotionally and physically devastate their victims that they rarely have the strength left to fight for their rights in court by suing. And most of all, I hate people like those who inspired this post, who sit happily yet stupidly by and dismiss any objections to this abuse with mindless bumper sticker slogans and idiotic dogma. Ignorance is not always bliss. Sometimes it destroys the lives of a great many people.
The video:
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I just read in the news where douche-hop rapper Chris Brown is in trouble with the PC Police again, this time for using a word which the Gay Press has declared to be "homophobic." You'll never even guess what the word is, so I'm going to have to tell you.
He said "gay".
Yep, that's it. And the bitches are literally sucking their panties straight up their own assholes over it because apparently he didn't use it right or something and they are shocked, shocked, I tell you!
Some paparazzi douchebag called the police on Chris for parking illegally. So he managed to talk his way out of the ticket, but then he had this to say to the papadouches:
"Y'all niggas is weak. Did you all call them to try and film me? Y'all niggas is gay!"
You might think that Chris Brown is in trouble for saying "y'all niggas", but no, apparently calling people "niggas" is totally acceptable now. We can all call each other niggas as much as we like. Take note of this rule change, because it's apparently something new.
You might think perhaps MADD is upset with Chris Brown over his illegal parking. Maybe it endangered some old lady or something? But no, illegal parking is fine for a celebrity, according to our news media.
No, Chris can park wherever he wants to and call anyone he wants a "nigga" and that is all totally fine. But his totally 80s-correct usage of 'gay' has upset the queens at the Human Rights Campaign, who have called Brown's choice of language "just plain unacceptable".
I wonder what would have happened if Chris Brown had said "y'all niggas is a bunch of cross-dressin', little boy molestin', dick suckin' cunts!" Maybe next time we'll find out? We can only hope.
Paparazzi photographers who called cops on Chris Brown
If this keeps up I'm going to start feeling sorry for this jackass. Everyone attacking him seems to be a bigger douchebag than he is, and that just doesn't seem right somehow.
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Erin Thompson and Aisika Mai Fashion Laydown
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SHE’S one cool, classy customer. Well, was. No doubt Jennifer Lopez will be mortified upon clocking this snap.
The singer, dressed head to toe in Lanvin, was visiting a bullfighting ring in Mallorca for a TV show when she made a bit of a boob. J-Lo bent over to examine the bottom of her frock and popped out of her low-cut top.
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Jennifer Lopez pops out of her top
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A great many events that have taken place over the last several years have led me to an inescapable, yet regrettable, conclusion.
Several years ago, I suffered from E. Coli poisoning as a result of the utterly craptastic sewage system of Redneckville, where I was living at the time, which allowed waste water to mix with drinking water during heavy flooding. As a result of this, I was severely ill for many months and suffered from extreme diarrhea.
Clearly, I must reluctantly admit, during this horrific time, I must have quite literally shit my brains out. I know this must be true, because I am an idiot now and I used to be smart.
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Part 2: The Impossibly Beautiful Woman Esquire Magazine Video
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{1} You have been asked to give a 10 minute speech to teenage girls. What is it about?
If they're hot teenage girls then it's about why performing oral sex on grown men is a great idea. If they're not, then it's about why abstinence is a good idea. No, I'm kidding. It'd be about why I'm going to be in the girls locker room with a video camera and how it's all perfectly legitimate and there is no need to be alarmed and they should pay no attention and go about their business like normal. And also, I won't be wearing any pants, but that's simply because it gets hot and humid in a girls lockeroom and I sweat a lot, so no need to be alarmed at that, either.
{2} Do you have a pet? Tell us about them. No pets? Why?
I have a cat. He is a sponge predator and we don't know why. He won't leave them alone and devours them if he can get his paws on them. He also won't bury his poop in the litterbox and doesn't do a very good job of cleaning himself, so he sometimes smells. But he's mostly a lovable cat, when he isn't peeing in the floor, so we put up with him.
{3} What is the biggest inconvenience about the place you’re currently living?
It won't sell. But then again, they tell me this is a nationwide problem. Thanks, Barney Frank and Eric Holder, you assholes. Other than that, it is a really nice place and we hate to leave it, but it's located in the Memphis area and that in and of itself is reason enough to move.
{4} What do you think is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
When I was about 10 years old, I decided to become a Dallas Cowboys fan. It was a hard decision because everyone in my family loved college football, but no one ever watched pro. I knew none of the teams so I would just cheer for whichever teams had the coolest helmets. I liked the Rams and the Eagles and the Raiders, but ultimately had to stick to my roots and go with the team from Texas. That same year they went all the way to win the Superbowl. That sealed the deal for me. I've been a Cowboys fan ever since, despite Jerry Jones being a huge pain in the ass.
{5} What are the THREE "nevers" of your life? (things you would never do or have never done)
I never ... wait, isn't this a drinking game that college cheerleaders play at cheerleading camp? Well, it was for us. Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah ...
I never had sex in the shower with 2 girls at once. Most showers are too damn small and nobody likes having their back pressed against those cold, nasty walls. I also know which cheerleaders have and which have not done this based on who had to drink, thank you very much.
I never shot anyone in the testicles with a Taser, and I never would. I think this is an obvious act of sexual torture and should be illegal in all circumstances. Clearly it isn't, though, because the police do it every single day, and then Taser the friends and family of the men they are Taser-raping when those people instinctively try to stop the horrific indecency of what they are seeing. You would think the fact that it is a gross violation of the public sense of decency, the basis for all our sex crime and pornography laws, coupled with our federal law prohibiting torture, would be enough to make this an automatic federal offense. But no, it happens every single day and often results in the complete destruction of the male victim's genitalia, a total emasculation, as well as his bladder, leaving him wearing adult diapers for the rest of his life. And yet no lawmakers will do or say anything about it.
I never threw a shoe at a sitting US President. I had a chance to meet former President Jimmy Carter once, but I admitted that I might be tempted to hit him in the face, either with a shoe or just my fist, and so I turned down that opportunity. I don't regret my decision to this day, especially now that we have Jimmy Carter II in the White House fucking us all over again.
So there you go. That's it. You're turn. What are three things that you have never done?
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Well, the Republican candidates for President held a debate in New Hampshire earlier this week. I guess I might as well talk about it. These are the candidates and what I thought of them based on their performances:
1) Herman Cain - this debate did not go well for him. He's a businessman and he has a lot of good ideas. Clearly he knows how to handle a big spending and debt problem. But what he demonstrated at this debate is that he isn't very smooth at explaining things while on the spot with the left-leaning Press. He fumbled a question about allowing Muslims in his cabinet. It's still early and he can recover, but it didn't bode well for him.
2) Tim Pawlenty - for awhile he had looked like a reasonably strong candidate, even taking on Mitt Romney's disastrous Massachusetts healtcare mandate the day before on Fox News. But once he was on the stage next to Mr Romney and asked to restate what he had said earlier about 'Romneycare' he ... blinked. He refused to criticize Romneycare or say anything in any way negative about Mitt Romney's bad healtcare mandate for Massachusetts. I understand about not wanting to be an asshole and take a giant shit on your fellow party members, but what he did came across more as fear of Mitt Romney, as spinelessness and weakness, than as being respectful. It will cost him. America is looking for a 'real man' right now and that wasn't very manly.
3) Ron Paul - I've heard a lot of love for him from the most die hard conservative voters. They love several things he's said and done. But his "gosh ah shucks" Texas cowboy approach to this debate didn't cut it. He was unimpressive and reminded me of Jed Clampett from The Beverly Hillbillies. Jed Clampett was a plain spoken, decent and honest man, but who the hell would choose him to be President of the United States?
4) Rick Santorum - he seems to say what he means, and he shows conviction. He's not overflowing with charisma, but to conservative voters, the fact that he stands up for what they believe and doesn't dance back and forth on those key issues speaks volumes. He's not a total unknown, but he's not well known enough to be a serious threat just yet. As things shake up, if he can just stay the course and not stumble or repeatedly sabotage himself with stupid photos of him sticking his tongue out like John McCain, he could be a contender.
5) Newt Gingrich - he's trying to dance closely enough to the Republican Party leaders' to draw their love, while at the same time attacking President Obama on key issues that voters are angry about. When he's focused on the issues voters care about he's fine. But when he dances over to the side of issues that endear him to the Party Leaders he shows himself to be yet another treacherous compromising candidate of the sort that conservative voters are sick and tired of.
6) Mitt Romney - he's smart. He's confident. He's eloquent. He even looks like a President. And he's way too closely aligned with the Republican Party leaders and their compromise-anything approach to governing for conservative's liking. He's looking like a Party Man, and that is a bad thing. He'll definitely get the full financial backing of the Republican Party Leaders, but he hasn't shown himself to be the man conservatives hoped he'd be and for that, he isn't the man for the job.
7) Michele Bachmann - she's got balls. There is a reason that the very sick-of-business-as-usual Tea Party has been slowly wrapping their arms around her as their Chosen One, and it isn't because they want to cop a feel. It's because she says what they believe and she sticks to it. More than merely sticking to it, she explains those beliefs well and fights for them. And that is precisely what conservative voters have been desperately searching for over the past many years, only to be denied by the out-of-touch Republican Party Leaders with their Golden Boy candidates no one wants, like McCain and Dole. She won't be readily embraced by the Republican Party Leaders. In fact, looking at what they did to Sarah Palin in 2008, I expect they'll try to cut her throat right up to the very end, even if it means Obama gets reelected. But if enough conservatives are willing to support her with their checkbooks as well as their votes, she could win this thing. She impressed.
So there you go. That's the impressions that I took away from that debate in New Hampshire. I usually don't even watch these things, but I was curious to see who was an ass, who was a weasel, and who, if anyone, had some guts.
WINNER: New Hampshire Republican Debates
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Bridesmaids is a former SNL-cast-member movie along the lines of some of the previous former SNL cast member movies in that it involves some farting and some puking and some bathroom humor of the sort we've all come to expect from anyone who has ever been associated with SNL in any way, but before you groan and write it off as another Adam Sandler shitpile, let me tell you more. First of all, and perhaps most importantly, Adam Sandler does not appear anywhere in this movie. So there's one star in the movie's favor right off the bat. Second of all, and this is important, three of the six starring women in the cast are reasonably hot. So there's 2 stars. This one free star for having hot women in the movie is something Adam Sandler has always counted on for his own really shitty, degrading and low-class movies, and with good reason - it works.
OK, but beyond this, the movie is actually reasonably intelligently written. The acting is good. The love story, even though it does involve the old stand-by of boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back in the end, except with the sexes reversed, it was handled better than most recent films have managed. The main character of the film, played by Kristen Wiig, is in the middle of a major low point in her life, having lost her business and her boyfriend at the same time, sleeping with a rich sleezebag who is just using her, played by Mad Men's own Jon Hamm, and now her best friend is getting married. She is asked to be the maid of honor. But much to her surprise, she learns that her lifelong best friend has another best friend she never knew about, and this other friend, played by Rose Byrne, is rich, pretty, and seems to do absolutely everything perfectly. Of course, this drive's Kristen's character crazy. As her own life continues to spiral downward into the crapper, her best friend's life, and the 'other' best friend, seem to have it all.
There was a point in the film when Kristen's character seems to be at rock bottom, sitting on her mother's couch, having been fired and kicked out of her apartment in the same week, watching Tom Hanks floating in the ocean and calling out to a lost volleyball named Wilson while she cries in sympathy, that I found myself thinking "there is no fucking way a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, skinny hot chick ever sinks as low as this. This only happens to losers, people like me, and no loser looks like Kristen Wiig. I have a friend who has very similar features to Kristen Wiig, except she's even better looking, and despite having experienced a few low periods in her life, it all predictably worked out for her in the end such that today she's driving a Porsche Boxter convertible, as we all knew she one day would, because that is just how the world works when you're blonde, blue-eyed, skinny, hot and female. But aside from that, the story works. So three stars because the story works.
I should quickly point out, in my friend's defense, that neither she or her husband ever gave up when they together were at a low point and both worked their asses off to be where they are today. But still, they are so good-looking and we just all knew they'd be rich and successful eventually because that's just how it is.
OK, getting to the most important factor in rating this movie: was it funny? Yes, it was hilariously fucking funny. I went to see it with the Mrs and she was still laughing as we walked out to the parking lot. 2 hours later, she was still periodically remembering scenes from the movie and laughing. That night, laying in bed trying to sleep, she was still bursting out laughing. That's a pretty big deal right there. So 2 more stars and that maxes out this film with a total of 5 stars out of a possible 5. The story is good and it is funny as shit. If you don't go see it you're an idiot.
Oh, and no one gets hit in the balls in the entire movie. So bonus fucking star for that!
X-Men: First Class is another origins story, taking the X-Men back to the 1960s, when Charles Xavier had hair and could walk, and Mystique was a girl who lived with him in Oxford and wanted to be his girlfriend, except he was too stupid to ever sleep with that raging blue hottie. Mystique in this film is played by curvaceous Jennifer Lawrence, although there is a cameo by the original Mystique actress, Rebecca Romijn.
The film goes all the way back to WWII, where we see young Erik Lehnsherr, the future Magneto, being encouraged by the Nazis to use his powers and develop them. Of course, being Nazis, their idea of encouragement was to shoot his mother in order to get his attention. I suppose this is intended to make us feel sympathy for him, but the fact is that Nazis and Jewishness and all that is really, really old and tired in the world of movies and I just didn't feel any interest in going back quite that far. So Magneto hates Nazis? Fine, but he hates pretty much everybody, so how sympathetic can we really be towards him? Plus, he gets all the hot chicks at the end of the movie.
I hope I didn't spoil that little detail for you by telling you, but it's true. Magneto gets ALL the hot chicks.
Things get interesting when January Jones enters the story, dressed only in lingerie and portraying the telepathic White Queen. It was weird to see Betty Draper running around in her underwear, still in 1962, only now she was super sexy and anxious to hurt people instead of just crazy as hell like in Mad Men. Meanwhile, Don Draper is driving a Porsche and sleeping with Kristen Wiig in "Bridesmaids." Did I forget to mention that? It's true. Don Draper is doing Kristen Wiig's character while his ex-wife is doing Kevin Bacon.
Oh yeah, Kevin Bacon is the king supervillain in this film, and he does it so very well. Plus, now everyone in the film gets bonus points for being in a movie with Kevin Bacon rather than being one or two degrees separated from him like everyone else in the entire freaking world. You're familiar with the Kevin Bacon Game, right? Its where you try to determine just how many degrees of separation there are between any actor or actress you can think of, and Kevin Bacon. Almost everyone in the industry is no more than 5 degrees apart from him. I shit you not.
Also in this film, the very pretty Rose Byrne, who simultaneously plays the perfect rival bridesmaid/best friend in "Bridesmaids." Seriously, what a coincidence!
Anyway, the story is pretty interesting, aside from the Nazi shit, and once January Jones enters the story I was riveted. This film is worth seeing, especially if you've gone to see any of the other comic book genre of movies. If you've seen X-Men I, II and III (Last Stand) then you absolutely have to see this one. Halle Berry was hot as hell in those first three X-Men movies, but I think January Jones gives her one hell of a run for her money in this one. Go see it.
Total Score: 5 stars out of 5, despite the stupid Nazi references, and also because no one gets hit in the balls
So there you have it. I didn't give you too many spoilers, I hope, and I tried not to simply rehash the entire story. Basically, both of these movies are very much worth seeing, even while totally sober.
And one last thing, if you feel the need to pull out your cell phone and text during the movie, do everyone else a favor and shove that phone up your self-centered ass. We paid a shitload of money to see the movie and when you pull that fucking phone out and text, all we see is the blinding glare of white light from your stupid phone. Seriously, just say "NO" to texting or any other cell-related activities during any movie.
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I don't really have much to say today. And truth be told, I'm not really flatulent today. I just like the way 'Flatulent Friday' rolls off the tongue. It sounds so smooth, like a fine Irish whiskey.
So I hadn't been back into the gym for almost 2 weeks until last Wednesday. I didn't feel like going, but I knew I needed to. My pump class was supposed to last one full hour. And I was ready to go. Sort of.
I did excellent the first half hour. I was doing better at both the endless squats and the endless push ups than I had in all the previous workouts. But then suddenly a feeling of exhaustion hit me. I had to stop and catch my breath. That clearly wasn't working so I just flat out sat down. The instructor (oh how I hate when she does this) leaned my way and shouted into the mic, "are you OK?"
I nodded that I was fine. But I knew I wasn't. So I got up and left the room. I had hoped that by walking around and cooling down a bit I might recover. I could quickly tell that it wasn't going to work. I got water. I walked around the entrance hall several times. I sat on a bench and sweated up their floor. I realized I was sitting just outside the girls locker room, which people always think is creepy and pervy, so I moved. But I never started feeling like I was ready to go back and try again.
Finally, I just gave up and went to the showers. I took as cold a shower as I could stand just to cool myself down. It has been extremely hot this year, especially considering we aren't even into Summer yet, and the heat is really getting to me. Even being inside an air-conditioned building, somehow the environment outside still affects us. And it was killing me.
I haven't slept well all week. More accurately, I haven't slept enough. I wanted to skip my workout and go home and sleep through lunch instead. I thought I'd be good and dedicated and go workout anyway, instead. It was a mistake.
So I guess on Monday I'll try again. Hopefully the results will be better. Otherwise, I've got a brilliant idea for an ice pack that you wear on your head that I might be forced to wear to this pump class in order to see if I can make it all the way through without collapsing again.
So, what are your plans for this weekend? Anything interesting?
Interesting weekend plans
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Dania Ramirez Dripping wet with towel
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It's HUMP DAY and I've decided to play WWTK! It's a bunch of nosey questions that some bloggers want everyone to answer so they can stalk you.
So here are the questions:
Everyone seems to have a quirky family situation-- what is something unique about your family dynamic?
We're all Indians. Well, technically we're only part Indian, and none of us are registered. So the US Government doesn't recognize us as being Indians. Apparently Dad's great-great grandfather refused to register and left the reservation in Oklahoma to move across the river to Arkansas. It's a long story involving a land dispute, a shootout, and running from the law. So anyway, gimme back my land, white man!
What is the most stressful aspect to blogging (aside from the network going down)? The most stressful aspect of blogging is when I haven't written anything in awhile and I feel the need to write something, only I have no inspiration at all. Some of those forced posts are the best I've ever written. Many are the worst.
We all end up on a blog at some point in our day, but name your top 3 favorite websites you flock to daily (non blog)! Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook
What’s your sign? Believe in it or not, does any part ring true to you? They tell me I'm an aquarius, and then they turn around and say that the planets have moved and so I have to be something else. Then they say it was all a joke and really I'm a No U-turn. Whatever, all I know is that research does seem to indicate that the season you were born in matters with regard to certain aspects of your personality, such as overall tendency towards happiness or depression. And I know that things which affect Earth's magnetic field and other environmental factors most definitely affect all of us because people are real jackasses in traffic on days when funky things are happening, such as earthquakes, a cold snap, or the moon colliding with the Earth. People always get bitchy on those days and drive like mental patients. And then I am forced to shoot them all.
IceCream!! ICECREAM!! We all scream for icecream! Name your favorite flavor/brand! (Its hot here, can't help it) I like several, although I don't eat them very often. Mint Chocolate chip or Rocky Road are my top two. But I won't turn down some chocolate fudge either.
BONUS QUESTIONS A. Name the blog you credit for linking up with us today? Lightning Bug's Butt showed me the way to this. So blame him when I stay too long and won't go home.
B. Suggest a question you want to see in future WWTK’s! Um, how about "what's the worst thing anyone has ever done or tried to do to you during sex and how did you react to it?"
And now, further proof that Japan is the weirdest nation on earth ...
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Let's get a few things straight here. Men have taken a real beating over the past 40 years and its about damn time we did something about it. But before we can even get up and fight, we have to establish some things first. For example, what it means to be a real man and what it definitely does not mean.
What It Means to be a Real Man
1) Real Men watch football, drink beer, and leer at women who dress like whores while hanging around inside men's locker rooms claiming to be a reporter.
2) Real men say "sex" when talking about a person's biological sex and never say "gender" like the PC bitches do. Sex is a biological fact and real men aren't confused about their sex. Gender is a vague, politically correct, virtually meaningless word that certain lesbians use to obscure the fact that they're trying to be men without the benefit of the required parts and accessories. I person can change their gender based on the clothes they wear and how they choose to present themselves at any given moment. It means nothing. Fuck 'gender' - real men only use that word when modifying a noun, as in "what's the gender of the word 'pencil' in German? Is it Der or Das?"
3) Real men save people's fucking lives, even when it requires them to risk their own. You won't see any video footage of feminist lesbians running into the World Trade Towers pulling people out. You won't see any women at all doing that in the film footage of the attacks on New York. And you won't see any men in pink polo shirts or pink ties saving anyone, either, 'cause they're all a bunch of sensitive, in-touch-with-their-feminine-side, Momma's boy, fucking pussies. If you doubt me, look up the footage for yourself. There's lots of it on the internet. The only people you'll see charging into those collapsing buildings to help people are real men.
4) Real men love cool cars. That's why American car companies went broke before they finally brought back their best muscle cars. Real men hadn't seen a decent man's car coming out of Detroit in a very long time, so we just fixed up the old cars and made them cooler than anything coming off the assembly lines brand new. In fact, we did such a good job of fixing up the old cars that we created a multi-billion dollar industry that does nothing but supply parts for cool old manly cars. That's how much we hate the fucking cheap, plastic, girlie cars that Detroit has been puking out for the past 20 or so years.
5) Real men call a bullshitter a bullshitter. They don't care if it's the President of the United States. If he's talking bullshit a real man shouts "you lie" loud and proud to make sure the lie doesn't go unchallenged. Real men can't stand liars and bullshitters, especially when it really matters.
6) Real men expect justice from the courts, and when the courts are so corrupt that they stop giving it, real men take up their guns and go out and get it for themselves. Then they go into those corrupt courts and throw the crooked fucktards out into the streets, where they belong. Real men can't tolerate injustice without trying to do something about it.
7) Real men change their own flat tires, oil, brakes, and know how to grease a suspension or rotate a set of tires. And when they see a woman stranded on the side of the highway they stop and change her flat tire, too, even when she's fat.
8) Real men will hold the door open for you just because it's a decent thing to do, rather than slamming it in your face because they're too selfish and self-absorbed to give a shit about anyone else.
9) Real men are secure enough with who they are that they don't have to strut, or put on airs, or push other men around, or put other men down to impress women. They only shout when necessary and take only as much shit as is reasonable. When they shout, it is because it is time for shouting. And when they fight, it is because it is time for fighting. But they don't feel a need to impress others. They do what they do because it should be done, not because of how it makes them look.
10) Real men love women - naked women, bikini women, leather and latex-covered women, stripper women, athletic women, soft women, tight pants women, short-skirt women, and all kinds of women. Even after 40 years of man-hating feminist dogma and lies calling men's love hate, real men still love women. Men can't help it, even after all the abuse. The day real men stop loving women will be the day the last real man has died, or more likely, been murdered by a feminist who then claims to be the 'real victim' and gets away with it in court.
What It Does Not Mean to be a Real Man
1) Real men don't let women define what constitutes being a real man. Only real men get to define what makes a real man versus a fucking pansy-ass Nancy boy like Barack Obama.
2) Real men don't wear fucking pink ties while fighting important battles in our Congress. Pink represents a lot of things, but power and strength is not among those things. Pussy, sex, strippers, baby blankets, breast cancer, and Mary Kaye, this is what pink represents.
3) Real men don't watch Oprah. In fact, real men won't even allow anyone else to watch Oprah on their TV or in their house even if it's their own mother visiting for Mother's Day. "Sorry Mom, but that shit isn't allowed in my house."
4) Real men don't ever, for any reason, encourage anyone to kick another man in the nuts. It's just understood that this is wrong. The only guys who encourage this are losers and douchebags who got beat up a lot in school and/or still get beat up a lot in bars because they're assholes, and martial arts instructors who still live with their mothers and have never been married because they spend all their time letting high school girls kick them in the nuts while they try desperately to come up with the courage to ask her out. Karate instructors are almost always single men with only one testicle and their virginity still intact. Douchebags at least get laid by drunk girls with poor judgement every now and then. Neither qualifies as a real man, though.
5) Real men don't drive a Toyota Prius, Honda Insight or the new, ridiculous Chevy Volt. They also don't drive tiny cars the size of a riding lawnmower with an engine even less powerful than their Cub Cadet, such as the Honda Fit or Toyota Yaris. In fact, real men don't drive anything with a gay name like Yaris. It could be a huge truck, but with a name like Yaris its clearly intended for your sister.
6) Real men didn't vote for Obama. Everything that man said and did while campaigning for office was aimed exclusively at women. Real men don't get sucked into girlie marketing shit like that. Real men who couldn't stomach that great white embarrassment, John McCain, simply voted independent or else wrote in their own name. Real men are ready to assume the role of President should the impossible happen and they actually somehow end up becoming President simply because they wrote in their own name as a joke and no one else bothered voting at all. Hey, it could happen. Just look at the choices we had last time.
7) Real men don't give in to political correctness, shoving female reporters into men's locker rooms while the men are trying to dress and then turn around and attack the naked men for daring to react to the invading women like any normal human being would. Real men respect basic human rights, including those of other men. There are no real men in charge of the NFL, that much is certain.
8) Real men don't have to advertise that they're real men. They don't wear their sunglasses indoors, slick their hair back and strut around in the heat of summer wearing a leather Harley vest and red bandanna just because it looks badass, unless they actually own a Harley and just rode up on it. They don't wear platform shoes even if they're only 5'2". They don't need a blackbelt to feel brave. They don't carry 8 knives on their person at all times, as if they could ever use that many in a single fight. They don't wear their karate uniform into WalMart. They don't flash gang signs or wear their pants down around their knees. They don't beat up anyone who doesn't deserve it. And they don't own any CDs by Rihanna, Britney Spears or Miley Cyrus.
9) Real men don't encourage women to hate men. They never say "men are pigs. Ha ha!" They never try to drag the entire male sex down to their level just so they don't have to man up a little in their own lives. In fact, even knowing that there's an easy fortune to be made selling shit that bashes men, such as books claiming women are superior to men or T-shirts and coffee mugs saying "boys are stupid - throw rocks at them," real men won't do it. Because it's just wrong.
10) Real men don't go around beating up women, but neither do they let women get away with abusing men. They may not kick the shit out of sex-offender Lorena Bobbitt or shoot murderer Mary Winkler when they see them, but they just might spit in both of their faces and walk away, letting it be clearly known what they think of them for what they did. Real men don't sit silently by and let evil people get away with doing evil things. There is a world of difference between a man abusing a woman and a man defending himself against an attack by a woman. Real men don't lay there like limp dishrags while their sisters beat the shit out of them, like Joe Biden repeatedly bragged that he did as a boy. What a fucking tool.
The NFL placed the following in the middle of the Jets' locker room to stand around and watch them get undressed. The men had repeatedly stated over the years that they weren't comfortable having to shower and dress in front of female reporters. The NFL ignored them. She then complained that she felt uncomfortable. Suddenly it became a scandal of men accused of harassing women. If the NFL continues treating its men like this, salaries are going to have to go much higher.
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Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. Winston Churchill - guy in that movie about the prince who stuttered
I will prepare, and someday my chance will come. Abraham Lincoln - responsible for death of over half the population of America in 1800s
Half the agony of living is waiting Alexander Rose - guy who obviously owns a PC running Windows
Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles Robert Brault - guy who apparently was a hurdler in track
To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have Ken Keyes Jr - clearly not a registered Democrat
To change your circumstances, you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions. Adlin Sinclair - big fan of Dr Who show
You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else. Albert Einstein - physicist who wasn't very good at giving helpful advice
And now, a happy baby ...
... a happy Swedish TV audience ...
... and finally, a happy Rugby audience ...
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wordless wednesday
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