What would you do if you had a friend, whom you really liked a lot, who was a supporter of a hate group?
What if it was a hate group that targeted you?
What if it was a hate group that encouraged the murder of anyone like you, and would defend this person if they murdered you, regardless of the circumstances, even going so far as to provide them with a top defense attorney free of charge?
What if your friend was completely deluded about what the movement actually stood for, about what it actually was? What if they insisted it was a nice movement, all about peace and love and everyone getting along and having an equal share of everything, but all the while you knew that it was nothing like that and never had been? You had tried and tried to tell your friend the truth, but they just didn't want to hear it. They didn't want to know the truth because the truth is unpleasant. They preferred the lie because it makes them and everyone like them out to be martyrs and heroes.
"No, it's not like that," they insisted. "Sure, there are some radicals, but that's not what its all about."
"Those radicals created the movement. They run it. They control it and determine everything it does," you countered.
"Yes, but that's not what most people want," they insisted.
"No, I know it isn't. But it doesn't change what the movement is just because you wish it were different. It is what it is."
What if you showed them direct quotes from every single founding member of their beloved movement, as well as all the current leaders, in which these people expressed the most vile and blatant hatred of you and all those like you, and yet your friend stubbornly and illogically dismissed the statements, excusing them by saying things like, "I'm sure they didn't mean it the way it sounds" or "you just don't understand" and still they continued to follow these haters and to defend them and their murderous movement?
What if they would crucify you or anyone else like you if you were to ever make similar statements as those their founders and leaders had made, but you directed the statements back at them?
What if you regularly saw on the news where people just like you were being robbed, denied justice in court, mutilated, tortured, and even murdered by people like them, people who believe what they believe, and then you heard your friend laugh and celebrate these crimes, justifying them and making excuses for the hate criminals, reflexively declaring the victims to be deserving of it despite the fact that your friend knew virtually nothing about the cases or circumstances at all? What then? Would you you blow it off? Would you overlook it?
What if the leaders of their hate movement were experts at making excuses, always twisting everything around so that no matter what evil things their followers did, they always managed to argue that they were the real victims while their victims were declared to be oppressors? What if they were damned good at it, very talented at arguing and persuading lots of ignorant, weak-minded, and youthful people that no matter what, everything they did is always justified, and everything their victims suffered because of them was also always justified?
What if large masses of people joined with them and agreed with them?
What if other nations' governments began to join with them, writing their hate and lies into their laws?
What if the News Media was entirely on their side, promoting all their hatred of you as a kind of religion, declaring that there is no need for debate and it is time that everyone simply accept it all as true?
What if the Media helped them create a huge lie about a conspiracy to oppress them and hurt them, a conspiracy to wage war on them, and when there was absolutely no evidence to support their lie, they simply attempted to manufacture the evidence by claiming they had it hidden somewhere, but weren't going to show it to anyone? What if they were caught in this lie over and over and over again, and yet they were never held accountable, never held to the same standard of truthfulness that you and others like you are held to, so that they could just continue telling lies as often as they wished and it became clear that no one in authority was ever going to do anything about it?
What if the leaders of this hate movement stood before your nation's government and told these lies in order to get laws passed declaring themselves to be a special "protected class" and you and all others like you, to be a "hated unprotected criminal class" with few rights and no legal protections when faced with accusations by them?
What if your government established special federal agencies whose only job was to hunt you and accuse you based on the mountain of lies that by now had been created by them about you, and they paid for these agencies with your hard-earned tax dollars that your government takes from you by force?
What if your friend honestly believed all the lies and truly didn't think they were hurting you with the hate they were supporting, and you got along fine with them otherwise, except when anything related to their religion, their faith in their own superiority came up? Would you remain friends with them?
Would you grit your teeth and just ignore them whenever they spouted off stupid religious dogma and political propaganda related to their faith in the movement that was actively working to enslave and destroy you?
Would you call them a 'hater' and break off all contact with them, even though you knew you were just going to encounter hundreds more exactly like them everywhere you went thanks to the evangelical influence of television over the masses?
Would you take it as long as you could until you finally exploded and punched them in the face?
Would you kill them?
What would you do?

What would you do?
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