Sumner Redstone with a woman he must be beating because he's a white male
I spent an evening seeing the world through the eyes of Sumner Redstone, psychotic sociopath and head over all of CBS and Viacom, as well as his faithful lackey, Les Moonves.
First of all, all women in prison are tough, but noble. And of course they are actually innocent victims of
A) their ex-boyfriends who beat them and so had to be killed in self-defense by the poor defenseless biatches
B) the guards who rape them AND their cute daughters who are in high school and were as pure as the driven snow before the evil white male guard forced her to take heroin and then raped her on webcam while the other guards watched, sort of like the famous scene from "American Pie", only with dramatic music.
Even the coldest of female serial killers actually has a heart of solid gold and will give her own life so that the real killer, who is of course "the real victim" of the evil rapist guard who corrupted her daughter, can escape justice.
There is actually no such thing as a female sociopath, narcissist, or psycho. Only white males can possess any of those flaws.

Les Moonves and the woman he pounds
The next thing I learned is that in the state of Florida, when a woman steals a man's car and smashes it up, even trying to run over him after assaulting him, she is actually "the real victim".

The man, who says he just wants his car back and doesn't want to press charges, will of course be charged with
... wait for it ....
domestic violence.
This is because, as we all have been told, there is an epidemic of violence against women. We know this because a feminist wrote a book in the early '70s claiming that there was. And as we all know, feminists never lie. And also, because the idea of evil men in black hats tying innocent heterosexual virgins to railroad tracks makes a much more sympathetic story than the psycho woman in the black nightgown who shoots her husband in the back while he's sleeping because she doesn't want him to find out that she's been stealing thousands of dollars from the bank and has just found out that the bank found out and is threatening to prosecute her. But enough about Mary Winkler.
Now getting back to this horrific and typical case of violence against women, because the man allegedly threw a bottle at his own car as it was being stolen, he is charged with felony assault with a deadly weapon. Yes, a DEADLY WEAPON. Shooting a man in the genitals and sexually torturing him to death with a Taser is not a crime of any kind, despite federal law specifically prohibiting the application of electric shock to the genitals by anyone including law enforcement, but throwing a bottle, by God, is a FELONY.

Dude, Skynard RAWKS!
Yesiree BOB.
After the man whose car was stolen and who foolishly called the police in the futile hope that he might get some justice has been arrested and charged with domestic violence as well as a felony bottle throwing weapons charge, the woman who is supposed to be "the real victim", will be informed that she has no say in any of the charges against the man. The state of Florida is filing those charges for reasons which only make sense when you know how many TEN$ of BILLION$ of dollar$ are pumped into the federal feminist domestic violence racket and filtered down to the individual states as an incentive to play along with the War On Males.
So, the state is pressing the charges, and the woman who is supposed to be the victim has absolutely no say whatsoever because apparently feminists in Washington decided that women can't be trusted to make their own decisions. And also because of all the money involved. Mostly just because of the money.

A typical male according to The Law
This is where the inherent problems of such extreme perversion of justice begin to hit home for the woman.
At this point, after informing the woman who stole the man's car that she has no say in the charges of domestic violence against him, they add that because there are literally tens of billions of dollars to be had in America's War on Males as long as everyone plays along, if for any reason she doesn't show up to court and testify against the man she attacked and robbed, and if she doesn't say exactly what she is told to say by the prosecutor, the court will swear out a warrant for her arrest, too.
Then both she and Mr. Sacrificial Lamb will be thrown into the very same jail and completely bankrupted in their futile attempts to declare their innocence before a court set up specifically to convict every male accused of any alleged crime involving a woman and any woman who refuses to play along.
Oh, and also there will be no jury. Juries sometimes mess things up and with this kind of money on the line we just can't risk that.
So, she won't be arrested or charged for assaulting the man, for stealing the man's car, or for trying to run over the man with his car, but if she refuses to swear in court that he abused her, called her fat, refused to place his coat over a puddle for her to walk on, smiled inappropriately at her, etc, then and only then will she be charged with a crime and they will come down on her like a ton of Barbie pink bricks.

With friends like The Government I don't need no fucking enemies

All women in prison have hearts of gold.
All women in prison are actually victims of evil men who abused them.
All women who steal cars and try to run over the men who own those cars are actually victims of domestic violence by the men they just beat on and robbed.
All men who live with women are beating them.
All white men who are prison guards are raping the women who shouldn't be in prison in the first place because they are actually the victims of horrible men.
Any man who is a victim of a crime committed by a woman is an idiot if he calls the police.
Thank God for CBS. Of not for them I would never have known how wonderful women in prison are, or how tragic life is for women who steal cars.
I wonder what I would have learned if I had flipped over to one of the other networks and watched something else instead? Before I turned off the TV I saw on one channel how they manufacture fire extinguishers. After a night with CBS I'm sort of wishing I had just watched that instead.

And now, a little music for your entertainment ...
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