I'm so poopy today it's a wonder I haven't imploded. Or lost a noticable amount of weight, at least. At first I thought it was stress, but now I'm pretty sure I'm actually sick. Ah, joy, I have the shits!
Speaking of shit, everything on TV is driving me crazy tonight.

So, is CNN the all "Where's Caylee" network now or what? Have they covered any other stories besides this one in weeks? Every time I flip past them, and considering the poor quality of their reporting I only ever flip by them, the only thing they have on is the "Where's Caylee" show. I don't fucking know where Caylee is. I don't fucking know who Caylee is. And after weeks of seeing this shit over and over I don't fucking care to find out who she is, where she is, or why the bitches at CNN can't seem to think about anything else.
While retrieving this CNN picture I saw an interesting story on their website. They're asking if the Obama candidacy will inspire blacks to be more enthusiastic about voting? Hmm, this is a tough one. I just can't decide. After all, Bill Clinton was the first black president after Abraham Lincoln. Naw, I'm sure the idea of a crooked black gangsta from Chicago becoming president won't interest the black community in the least.

I was just flipping channels a moment ago when I came to the "George Lopez" show on Nickelodeon. Nick is supposed to be a children's network, right? So, George and his mom are in a bar getting drunk when the cranky old bitch decides to pick a fight with an old man who is sitting at the bar with his back to her. She keeps mouthing off at him until he finally gets up and turns around. So now he's standing there with his arms crossed. Then she gets up and sexually assaults him in the predictable way just to be a bitch. It's the sort of thing you only ever see buzzcut bulldykes and drunken 2 dollar whores do in real bars, but to be honest, the woman playing Grandmonster looks like she could be both. Anyway, George grabs the drunken sex-offender and they run out of the bar together. The man hadn't done anything to deserve to be assaulted, let alone sexually assaulted. And of course the show doesn't ever show her paying any price for what she did or in any way expressing regret for being a violent sex offender. There was no excuse for what she did no matter how they tried to play it and yet it was portrayed as harmless humor and shown to children on Viacom's Nickelodeon network. Nickelodeon has this very clip cycling over and over on their website to make absolutely sure that everyone's children sees it.
"Ha ha, Grandma is a total bitch! That's so funny! Sex crimes are funny!"
Meanwhile, on Oprah, she's bitching about how the casual use of the term 'bitch' and 'ho' to describe women in gangsta rap songs is responsible for creating our nation's culture of violence. Yeah, it isn't the fact that we teach, encourage, and celebrate sexual violence against males that is creating a culture of violence in America. No, it's the words 'bitch' and 'ho'.

Or maybe it's the extreme narcissism inherent in a culture that encourages one sex to worship themselves as goddesses while constantly declaring the opposite sex to be a bunch of worthless subhuman pigs who deserve to be sexually abused for entertainment?

Nah, it couldn't be that.
Over on the History Channel, they're showing George Lopez's old Latino gang and talking about the 'empowering' and 'strong independent' murders they commit while running drugs to the Satan Disciples in L.A.
Oh wait, that's not George Lopez. That's some guy named Tommy. And it's not L.A. It's Chicago, where Barry Obama and his infamous ACORN organization comes from. Apparently a gang called the Satan Disciples are big Obama supporters. And if you live nearby and you aren't, they'll fucking kill you.
I wasn't happy about the graphic sexual violence Nick was glorifying on their childrens' show, so I went to their website to contact them. Not surprisingly, and as is almost always the case with these 'social justice' fanatics, there is no link allowing the audience to contact them. Quite simply, they don't give a shit about what anyone thinks. They are only interested in shoving their religion of destruction down everyone's throats from the safety of their mega-million dollar office in New York City, which in case you hadn't heard is where most of the politicized hate throughout the world comes from.

"Psycho" Sumner Redstone
Viacom owns Nickolodeon, by the way, and is controlled by the infamous raging psychopath, Sumner Redstone, the same man who controls CBS, the worst offender of all the major networks when it comes to white-male-bashing. You might recall a few years ago when "60 Minutes" sent a film crew to South Africa where they spread word that they'd put any woman on TV who would say that she had been raped. Predictably, a woman came forward anxious to be on TV. They quickly convinced the woman that in order for 'her story' to air, she must first accuse specific men of raping her. She must point at someone, someone they could film. So, she did. Then they rounded up a mob, gave the mob whips, and convinced the mob to grab the men, strip them completely naked, tie them up with their legs apart, and shred their genitals with the whips while the "60 Minutes" team filmed the whole thing. They claimed that it was 'social justice' and that they just happened to be there to film it and had nothing to do with the horrific crime they were showing to all of America on prime-time television. There was absolutely nothing to indicate that the woman had actually been raped. In fact, her own behavior made it pretty obvious that they hadn't told her what they planned to do other than putting her face on TV until they had the men stripped and tied up. She just wanted to be on TV so she told them what they wanted to hear. After that, when they began their S&M porn film, she clearly wanted nothing more to do with it. They had to shove a whip into her hand and push her at them to get her to do anything at all and even then she barely did. This was all shown, including the mens' genitals as they were being sexually tortured and screaming, during prime time on the standard UHF broadcasted CBS network not once, but twice when it came out in reruns the following summer. Since then, CBS has hidden that story and copies of it are very difficult to find.
The FCC, quite predictably, never said a word about it. If S&M porn on prime time isn't obscene, honest to God, nothing is.

Officially not obscene
See, the thing is that the politicians who ruin, er, run our government have decided that only the female vote matters. And even then, it's not the overall female vote that counts. No, it's only the female supremacist vote that counts, because they have most of the money, courtesy of government handouts that those same politicians gave them using our tax dollars. So it's all just a big kickback scheme whereby the politicans declare that they are 'helping women' while this very small handful of wealthy Washington 'womyn' return the favor with intern-delivered blowjobs and lots of favorable press courtesy of their friends up in New York. In the meantime, sexual abuse of males is treated as being good wholesome entertainment for the whole family. Of course, you have to accept their new definition of 'family' first. Otherwise it just seems like bullshit.

Speaking of our openly misandric government, John McCain was on TV again tonight. Oh don't worry, I'm not going to write about what he said. I didn't listen to what he said. Why would I? Once he spit in the faces of every person who ever asked him where he stood on the issues of father's rights I was done with him. I was just wondering who the hell picks out his suits? Have you seen his suits? The jacket looks like it's made out of cardboard and the pants look like he just pulled them out of a paper sack where someone had been using them to swat flies. Who couldn't see this in time to warn him before he stepped out in front of the cameras? "Hey John, you look like a moron in that suit. Why don't you get someone to iron those pants?" How hard would that have been?

As for Obama, he looks like he's trying out for a spot in Versace's next men's fashion show in Milan. Seriously, his suits are so shiny and polished that they're almost ridiculous, like something Elvis would wear if he were still alive. And his speeches are nothing more than the same tired old black baptist preacher sing-song bullshit that they've been doing in churches for generations. Just watch "The Blues Brothers" church scene when James Brown is preaching and compare it to an Obama speech. The only difference is that the people listening to Obama's sermons are mostly athiests who have never set foot in a church and have no idea that they're in the middle of a service. They haven't got a clue why they feel so emotional and compelled to nod mindlessly while he's sing-songing along. They can't figure out where the sudden urge to shout "yes brother", "amen brother", "preach it brother" is coming from. And when he passes that offering plate around, you'd better believe it is one hell of a miracle occuring because, by God, leftists are actually giving their own money for a change.

Anyway, I thought I had less to say. Guess I should stop here and go to bed. This poop train needs some sleep.
And now, for your entertainment, something that could only come from California ... I hope ...
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