Mary Winkler, husband murderer, is back in court demanding custody of their children. She insists that she should not be denied custody of the children they produced together simply because she shot their father in the back with a shotgun and murdered him before dragging the kids off to Florida to hide from the police. Mary has gained national celebrity for murdering her husband and father of her children and even appeared on Oprah.

Bobby Cutts Jr, a police officer, elbowed his pregnant girlfriend in the throat as she was trying to stop him from leaving their house, resulting in her death. His highly emotional testimony in which he claimed that it was an accident and that he was remorseful, but had panicked and hid the body, was played over and over on the news networks. He was found guilty of aggravated murder for the death of the fetus, murder for the death of girlfriend Jessie Davis, abuse of a corpse, burglary, and child endangerment. He faces a maximum possible sentence of death.

Monique Johnson, Memphis jailer, shot and killed her boyfriend, Memphis police officer Tony Hayes, almost 2 years ago. Mr. Hayes had briefly dated Miss Johnson before breaking off their relationship and filing for a restraining order against her after discovering that she was violent, abusive, jealous, and controlling. She tracked him down and shot him shortly after, placing his body in the trunk of his car and leaving it there, where police found it a week later. Monique claimed, quite predictably, that she is “the real victim” and that she was “abused”, echoing the tried and true defense of the thousands of women who murder their boyfriends and husbands in the United States every year, only to get off with minimal sentences. The long list of Monique’s ex-boyfriends who were attacked by her and subsequently filed for restraining orders against her was ignored during the trial, as well as in most of the news coverage. The week of her sentencing, the CDC released a statement promoting the controversial claim that 1 of every 4 women are abused, and that women who are abused suffer the exact same stress and "post combat syndrome" as soldiers in actual combat. The CDC claim was instantly picked up and publicized on the front page of every major newspaper in America. This claim, created over 35 years ago by feminists, has been repeatedly placed in doubt by non-feminist researchers, but continues to be a popular weapon amongst defense attorneys when trying to get women off for murdering men. The jury in Monique’s trial, clearly influenced by the CDC’s heavily publicized propaganda, as well as by the recent Mary Winkler trial in which she also shot and killed her husband and claimed she was abused, were asked to find her guilty of first degree murder, in that the evidence strongly indicated that she hunted boyfriend Tony Hayes down and killed him with full intent of murdering him. The jury chose, instead, to hang tightly onto the popular Western belief that a woman simply cannot be responsible for her actions and cannot possibly be evil or bad. They found her guilty, instead, of the very minor offense of reckless homicide. Reckless homicide is the offense of accidently killing someone with no criminal intent, the same as manslaughter. She may receive a maximum sentence of 4 years, but is expected to receive the same sentence as Mary Winkler and hundreds of thousands of other female offenders over the years, which is “time served.” Time served means no punishment at all, but she gets credit for the time she was in jail awaiting trial, 17 months, as it was such a huge inconvenience.
Also on Friday, a Memphis strip club owner, a man, was found guilty of promoting prostitution and sentenced to 18 months in jail, one month longer than Monique is expected to receive, 16 months longer than Mary Winkler received, and a full 18 months longer than Lorena Bobbitt received.
Friday's news was just so overflowing with irony that I had to blog about it.
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