Who decided that the orange handled coffee pot is always decaf? Is this some international law or something? Is it from truck stops? Does anyone besides me remember that old TV series "Alice" about Mel's Diner, which was a truck stop?
Remember that waitress who would say "Kiss my grits" and then the stupid laugh track would cue? I think they even sold T-shirts with her face and that phrase on them. Good Lord, the things people will watch and pay good money for a piece of. It boggles my mind. Or as Christina Applegate once said while playing Kelly Bundy, "the mind wobbles."
So, I'm drinking genuine Colombian coffee, non-decaf because decaf is for addicts and wimps, and I need to poop. But first I have to finish my donut. Someone brought donuts for casual Friday. Isn't that nice? Coffee and a donut and a poop, that's how I start my day now.