Is feminism going to be the female supremacist hate movement or is it going to be about equal rights for both men and women? Or could it be a convoluted war between female supremacists, lesbian separatists, and women who think that simple equality is the only worthwhile goal, all under the same now meaningless descriptor of 'feminism'? Webster's Dictionary sure as hell doesn't seem to know.
On a side note, a steady stream of women, frustrated with the feminists' increasing willingness to embrace the fascist view of a "master gender" (female), have begun migrating into the men's rights movement and the father's rights movement, which apparently have maintained a strong commitment to the goal of basic equity of civil rights. More and more of these men's groups are being run by these former presidents of various chapters of N.O.W. and other women's groups. The men don't seem to care, but the feminist groups are embarrassed about it.
Are Christian Churches going to follow the example of Christ and the first Christians or are they just going to be a gathering place for people to dress up, pick up/get picked up, make business connections, hang out, socialize, and generally look and act no differently than the crowds at the local sports bar? Are they going to stand for something or are they a social club? Or could it be there is a war going on within their ranks to decide whether they truly believe or just want to "go along to get along" and maintain the status quo?
Did anyone else notice that the Confederate Flag used to be a meaningless symbol for rednecks everywhere right up until the Southeastern United States all voted Republican for the very first time? Suddenly there arose a movement declaring the flag of the South to be a symbol of racism, led by those same Democrats who formerly waved it proudly when they were the preferred party of the Yellow Dog Democrat South. Anybody else catch that?
Here's something from a few years ago. Make of it whatever you will. Way Back in The Day, Anita Bryant was the spokeswoman for Florida Orange Juice. She was also a Christian who never apologized for her faith or backed down about it. The Gay Political Machine was just getting revved up and decided to try its' newfound powers on her. So they began demanding of her, "do you think homosexuality is a sin?" She, being a Christian and thus required to follow the Bible, said that the Bible says homosexual sex is a sin, so that means it is since the definitions of what constitutes a sin come from the Bible, after all. The press didn't argue with her as to whether the Bible says this, but instead began a previously rehearsed emotional reaction of outrage and fainting. They then followed this with a demand to the Florida Orange Growers that she be fired for being a "fanatical religious bigot."
The Florida Orange Growers gave in to the demands of the Gay Political Machine and fired Anita. That winter a freak freeze hit Florida and the Florida orange trees froze solid. The following 2 years the very same thing happened, wiping out the Florida Orange Juice Industry's trees and forcing them to import all their orange juice from Brazil. Nothing like this had happened before in Florida, with freezes for 3 consecutive years.
Also immediately following the firing of Anita Bryant for defending her Christian faith, AIDS was identified for the first time. Doctors declared the need for a quarantine to stamp it out before it spread throughout the world and caused a murderous epidemic. The Gay Political Machine went into overdrive, refusing to permit the quarantine and labeling the doctors "homophobes."
Soon after they had defeated the doctors and the quarantine, the Gay Political Machine predicted that AIDS would kill half the world's population, insisting it was not mostly a gay problem, but a global problem equally threatening to all. The media picked up this claim, echoing it and insisting that hundreds of millions of heterosexual men and women would die from AIDS within a few short years.
This did not occur.
In the mid 1980's, immediately following the rise of the AIDS epidemic, the opportunistic Reverend Benny Hinn made a name for himself by declaring to a gathering of young followers that God himself had told him that all the homosexuals would die from AIDS by 1989. Reverend Hinn even sounded enthusiastic as he pronounced this prophesy of doom and damnation exclusively for homosexuals.
1989 came and went with most gay men and virtually all gay women remaining alive and well despite what Reverend Hinn insisted God had told him. The Reverend never slowed down, though, moving on to other topics about which he freely prophesied, wrongly almost every time. Meanwhile, the idea spread quietly here and there that perhaps, despite Benny Hinn being full of crap, God had sent AIDS as a punishment specifically for homosexuals. No one seemed to notice all the lesbians not being infected or affected. And apparently no one ever thought to ask if anyone could explain this apparently ungodly oversight.
So there you have it. A rapid mental dump in the midst of a stressful day in which I hardly have time to fart, let alone stop to write a really good blog with some jokes in it. Sorry about that. Tomorrow I'm flying to St. Louis. I won't be able to blog until I get back Friday night.
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