Among my gay friends I know of not one who plans to be married once gay marriage becomes law. And yes, I am predicting that it will become law.
Among the gay men I know, none are interested. Among the gay women, I know of none who have indicated to me that they plan to be married, but they support the change in the law to give them this option if they should ever feel like exercising it. Basically, 'I don't plan on doing it, but I like having the option.'
Among almost everyone I know at work the positions are these:
Among the average, non-radicals they say, 'I really don't see how this matters anyway. I don't see how this could hurt me personally, so who cares? Let them have it.'
Among the pro-socialist, pro-Democrat, self-described "Progressives" they say, 'The Christians are against it so I am for it.'
And this seems to be about as deep as it gets for most people on this issue. 'I don't see how it will affect me so ...'
With the Democrats, the self-professed 'Progressives,' they took the side of Gay Marriage as soon as they realized that the Christians would be against it. Anything to make the Christians unhappy they will support and fight for. It doesn't matter what it is.
Among the Christians, once they see Charles Schumer or Ted Turner or any other prominent antiChrister standing in support of something, they tend to be against it. Even if they haven't had time to think about it yet, they generally consider it a safe bet that being on the other side of certain people is the right place to be about 99% of the time.
Among Christians who have thought about it they cannot avoid the fact that the Bible defines marriage clearly, and describes it as a sacred institution in the eyes of God. They have no choice but to oppose this change.
Most people aren't thinking about this issue in-depth. And relying on the general media for much-needed information isn't paying off. The media is 99% Democrats and thus 99% in support of Gay Marriage. Anything that makes it any harder to get this passed will not be discussed or presented to the People.
Worse even than that is the Republican Party. Yes, the Republican Party. The Republican
voters are mostly against changing the definition of marriage, regardless of who the change is for. It is not, as the proponents claim, motivated by hatred of homosexuals. But the Republican
politicians, the House, the Senate, the Governors around the country, are divided down the middle.
In order to win a majority, the Republican Party signed a deal with the Devil, so to speak. They recruited Democrats who lost the nomination to be their party's candidate for office. These Democrats weren't going to get to run, so they accepted the Republicans' offer to switch parties. The Republicans took the position that in those races they weren't going to win anyway, so why not grab a moderately popular Democrat and run him or her as a Republican? If they won the race it would count in the Republicans' favor, and could lead to a majority in the House or Senate. Ultimately, it has lead to a majority in both, but in name only.
Most of these 'converts' from the Democratic Party still vote along Democratic party lines most of the time. When the Defense of Marriage Act is proposed by the Republican voters, many Republicans in Congress mysteriously turn up absent. Others vote against it outright. Yes, the majority of Republican voters support it, but their representatives do not. It hardly matters how much money and support Jerry Falwell or any other grass-roots leader attempts to raise to promote this Constitutional Amendment because the political party they are relying on to push it through is not committed to it by any means.
Gay Marriage will become law. Most likely it will be created out of thin air by the Supreme Court after several other Federal Courts similarly pulled this 'right' out of the air, either claiming it is discrimination (it isn't) or that Europe passed it and so we have no choice (we do.) It isn't a right, but federal judges like getting attention and being invited to the upper class parties. Most of the best upper class parties (think Paris Hilton) are thrown by wealthy socialist Democrats. Oppose them and your social life goes straight to hell. (Sandra Day O'Connor, among others, is quite aware of this.)
The average homosexual person is well educated and has a much higher income than the average American, or average person throughout the world. They are less than 3 percent of the general population, but they are wealthy and influential. Their situation is nothing like the black people who fought for various civil rights in the 1960's, but their political strategists find it useful to portray them as such in order to win support. They dominate the Media and thus have access to all the resources they could possibly need in order to push a pet issue.
Gay Marriage will become law. Afterwards, the ACLU may argue that marriage as a whole is a religious institution and demand that it be banned altogether. The American People, once the definition of marriage and family has been stretched and contorted to an unrecognizable form, will half-heartedly oppose the ACLU. The Democrats will support the ban on marriage. The Republicans will make speeches in support of marriage, but when the time comes to stand and be counted they will not stand.
In the end marriage will end as a legal institution in America and Europe and be viewed simply as a novelty without significant meaning. The birthrate will continue to drop. Women will be more reluctant to become mothers. Men will be more reluctant to be fathers. The East will continue to rise. The West will continue to decline, increasingly blaming Christians, Orthodox Jews, and white males, as their socialist political leaders' promises lead deeper and deeper into abject failure.
This is my opinion and this is my prediction.
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